Supplement to “Lou Gehrig’s RBI Record: 1923–39”

This article was written by No items found

This article was published in Fall 2012 Baseball Research Journal

Here is supporting evidence for the correction of errors in the official RBI record of Lou Gehrig through 1939.

Here is supporting evidence for the correction of errors in the official RBI record of Lou Gehrig. This is the supplemental material for Herm Krabbenhoft’s article, “Lou Gehrig’s RBI Record: 1923–39”, in the Fall 2012 Baseball Research Journal.


Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1931

April 21—New York vs. Philadelphia—New York scored 12 runs

First Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“In fact, they had Leroy Mahaffey on the run almost at the very outset when a pass to Combs, a double off the right field screen by Ruth and Gehrig’s single sent two tallies scampering over the plate.”

NYHT—“He [Mahaffey] walked Combs, fanned Lary, and was solidly smacked for two bases by Ruth and a shin-dusting single by Gehrig which sent two runs over the plate.”

NYWT—“Lary was called out on strikes. [Combs walked.] Ruth doubled off the right field bleachers, Combs stopping at third. Gehrig singled through Mahaffey, Combs and Ruth scoring. Lazzeri grounded into a double play, Bishop to Boley to Todt.”

PINQ—“Combs worked Mahaffey for a pass and then Lary fanned. Ruth planked a resounding double against the chicken wire in right. Gehrig scored both runners when he punched a clean single to centre. Lazzeri rolled to Bishop and two expired when Boley generated the speed to relay to first ahead of Tony.”

Second Inning—New York scored 8 runs

NYT—Nothing significant.

NYHT—“Chapman and Cooke opened up with singles and caused the removal of Mahaffey. Carter took over the pitching assignment and proceeded to give away passes like a new press agent. He walked two men and forced in a run; then Combs drove in two runs with a single. Two more walks and another run was forced upon the Yankees. At this point Carter walked right out of the game and was replaced by Rommell (sic), who walked Lazzeri and Chapman and forced two more runs upon his opponents. Cooke then singled to center, scoring another pair. Dickey hit into a double play.”

NYWT—“Chapman singled to left. Cooke singled to left, Chapman stopping at second. Mahaffey was replaced by Carter. Dickey walked, filling the bases. Pennock also walked, forcing in Chapman. Combs singled to centre, scoring Cooke and Dickey, and placing Pennock on second. Lary sacrificed, Carter to Todt. Ruth walked, filling the bases. Gehrig walked, forcing in Pennock. Carter was taken out and Rommell (sic) went in to pitch for the Athletics. Lazzeri walked, forcing in Combs. Chapman walked, forcing in Ruth. Cooke singled to center, scoring Gehrig and Lazzeri, and placing Chapman on third. Dickey grounded into a double play, Boley to Todt.”

PINQ—“Chapman cuffed a single to port and Cooke blasted one safely to the same spot. Mack’s hook ripped Mahaffey off the rubber and Carter made the long trek from the distant bullpen. Sollie threw kerosene on the blaze by passing Dickey to fill the bases. Then he also walked Pennock, forcing in Chapman. With the bases still loaded to the gunwales, Combs paddled a single to centre, scoring two more. Lary bunted to the young pitcher and was thrown out at first for the first dead Yank. The runners advanced and Ruth reloaded the hassocks by walking. Carter’s fourth pass to Gehrig sent Pennock home. For that Mack ordered him off the premises and Rommell (sic) waked into this pretty mess. Entering into the spirit of things Ed also passed Lazzeri, and Combs was forced in. Chapman, up for the second time, also walked, and Ruth scored. Cooke shoved a single to centre, putting two more across. Boley came to the rescue by picking up Dickey’s grounder, stepping on second and then throwing to Todt for a double play. “

Seventh Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“Cooke crashed a mighty drive into left centre in the seventh. As the ball rolled to the bleachers, Dusty completed the journey for a homer.”

NYHT—“Cooke smacked a ball into left center field and sped around the bases for a home run.

NYWT—“Lazzeri flied to Haas. Chapman out, Dykes to Todt. Cooke hit a home run to center. Dickey singled. Pennock struck out.”

PINQ—“In the last half, with the bases bare, Cooke hit beyond the cinder patch in left centre and circled the bases for an interior home run.”

Eighth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“In the eighth … Lyn [Lary] larruped the ball into the left wing of the grand stand and jogged around [on his homer].”

NYHT—“In the eighth, Lary lifted a home run into the left field stands.”

NYWT—“Combs out, Todt to Rommell (sic). Lary hit a home run into the left field stands. Ruth out, McNair to Todt. Gehrig flied to Haas.”

PINQ—“In the last half Lary made a personal venture of assembling the Yanks’ twelfth run. He birched a Rommell (sic) pitch into the stands in left for a home run. The bases were nude at the time.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Combs scored on a 2-RBI single by Gehrig.

2 (first inning)—Ruth scored on a 2-RBI single by Gehrig.

3 (second inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI walk to Pennock.

4 (second inning)—Cooke scored on a 2-RBI single by Combs.

5 (second inning)—Dickey scored on a 2-RBI single by Combs.

6 (second inning)—Pennock scored on a 1-RBI walk to Gehrig.

7 (second inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI walk to Lazzeri.

8 (second inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI walk to Chapman.

9 (second inning)—Gehrig scored on a 2-RBI single by Cooke.

10 (second inning)—Lazzeri scored on a 2-RBI single by Cooke.

11 (seventh inning)—Cooke scored on a 1-RBI homer by Cooke.

12 (eighth inning)—Lary scored on a 1-RBI homer by Lary.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Gehrig 3, Pennock, Combs 2, Lazzeri, Chapman, Cooke 3, Lary.


  • Gehrig actually had 3 RBIs—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Ruth actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

April 22—New York vs. Boston—New York scored 7 runs

First Inning—New York scored 4 runs

NYT—“… the Yanks inaugurated an exclusive parade of their own as Combs singled, Lary walked, Ruth and Gehrig singled and Lazzeri doubled to round off a cluster of four runs.”

NYHT—“He [Ruth] had singled to center to drive in one of the four runs the Yankees made off Lisenbee and in the first inning he had scored a run.” [NOTE: No other details were provided for the 4 runs scored by the Yankees in the first inning.]

NYWT—“Combs singled to right. Lary walked. Ruth singled to centre, scoring Combs, Lary going to third. Gehrig singled to left, scoring Lary, Ruth stopping at second. Durham relieved Lisenbee on the mound for the Red Sox. Lazzeri doubled to centre, scoring Ruth and Gehrig. Chapman was hit by a pitched ball. Cooke struck out. Dickey forced Chapman, Van Camp to Rhyne, Lazzeri stopping at third. Sherid walked, filling the bases. Reeves threw out Combs.”

BG—“Combs, the first batter to face Lisenbee, hit a sizzling single to right. Lary drew a pass. Ruth shot a single through the box, scoring Combs. Gehrig singled to center, putting Lary over the plate, and Lisenbee was relieved by Durham. Lazzeri doubled to the mound in left center, putting Ruth and Gehrig across. Chapman was hit by a pitched ball. Cooke struck out, and Dickey poked a grounder to Van Camp on which Chapman was forced at second. Sherid was passed, filling the bases. Combs, up for the second time in the inning, was thrown out at first, retiring the side.”

BH—“Combs singled to centre, Lary walked, Ruth singled through the box [scoring Combs] and Gehrig’s single to right sent in two runners. Out went Lisenbee and in came Durham, who pitched Lazzeri to a three-and-two count before Tony clouted one against the left-centre fence for two bases and hiked the run total to four. Durham hit Chapman, but then settled down, fanning Cooke, making Dickey force Chapman, walking Sherid and nailing Combs on an infield roller to Reeves.”

BP—“Combs led off with a single and Lary drew a base on balls. Ruth singled to score the New York opening tally and then Lisenbee cautiously sidestepped Gehrig’s hit through the box. Here Hod was yanked and Durham substituted. Lazzeri doubled and Chapman was hit by the pitcher, all adding to a four-run collection.”

Fourth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“… until the fourth, when singles by Combs and Ruth gave the Yanks another tally.

NYHT—“He [Ruth] had driven in another run in the fourth.” [NOTE: No other information was provided for the run scored by the Yankees in the fourth inning.]

NYWT—“Sherid struck out. Combs bunted safely along the third base line. Rhyne threw out Lary. Ruth singled to centre, scoring Combs. Gehrig walked. Lazzeri hit to Pickering, who stepped on third, forcing Ruth.”

BG—“… till the fourth, when a single by Combs, Lary’s out at first and a single by Ruth gave them another run.”

BH—“Combs beat out a bunt to start the fourth, advanced on Lary’s grounder to short and scored on Ruth’s single to centre.”

BP—“In the fourth the Yanks counted once more on hits by Combs and Ruth.”

Sixth Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“In the sixth Durham allowed two more tallies on doubles by Lary and Ruth and the Babe’s two painful charges from second to third and third to home on a pair of outs.”

NYHT—“… and he [Ruth] doubled to left to send Lary home in the sixth. … A moment later he [Ruth] surprised everyone by dashing home at a great rate of speed after Webb had caught Lazzeri’s short fly. It was a close play and the Babe crashed into Berry, guarding the plate. He was safe.”

NYWT—“Lary doubled off the left field fence. Ruth doubled to left, scoring Lary. Pickering threw out Gehrig, Ruth going to third. Lazzeri flied to Webb, Ruth scoring. Chapman popped to Rhyne.”

BG—“They made two more in the sixth on doubles in succession by Lary and Ruth, an out at first and a fly to deep right field.”

BH—“The Yankees opened with Lary’s double to left and Ruth’s duplication of the blow. Then came the rest of the Ruth incident, up to the scoring of the seventh run. … Gehrig, the next batter, hit a grounder to Third Baseman Pickering, who tried to tag Ruth. The Babe swerved to one side and evaded the Bostonian. Up at bat was Lazzeri and he lifted a fly to Webb in right field. As the catch was made, the Babe started for home plate. In came the throw from Webb to catcher Berry, who was blocking the plate. Berry tagged him, but Umpire Guthrie ruled that Ruth had touched the plate and that the seventh Yankee run had been scored.”

BP—“Two-baggers by Lary and Ruth, and the latter’s dash for home in the sixth gave the Yanks two in the sixth.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI single by Ruth.

2 (first inning)—Lary scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

3 (first inning)—Ruth scored on a 2-RBI double by Lazzeri.

4 (first inning)—Gehrig scored on a 2-RBI double by Lazzeri.

5 (fourth inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI single by Ruth.

6 (sixth inning)—Lary scored on a 1-RBI double by Ruth.

7 (sixth inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Lazzeri.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Ruth 3, Gehrig, Lazzeri 3.


  • Lazzeri actually had 3 RBIs—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

May 03—New York vs. Boston—New York scored 8 runs

First Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“The first Yankee tally came in the opening round, when Combs walked, moved a little faster to second on Reese’s infield out and galloped all the way home on a weird wild pitch by Lisenbee.”

NYHT—“A wild pitch let Combs score a run for the Yankees in the first inning. Lisenbee was pitching. When one remembers that Combs scored from second the wildness of the pitch can be better appreciated.”

NYDN—Nothing at all.

NYP—Nothing at all.

NYS—Nothing at all.

BG—“The Yankees got a run in the first without a hit. Combs walked, advanced to second on an infield out and crossed the plate from second on a wild pitch. [NOTE: In a sidebar, the following was stated—“His (Ruth’s) first time at bat he drove a hot grounder at the shortstop, who had plenty of time to throw him out at first.”]

BH—Nothing at all.

BP—“A wild pitch let Combs score a run for the Yankees in the first inning. Lisenbee was pitching. When one remembers that Combs scored from second the wildness of the pitch can be better appreciated.”

Second Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“In the second the Yanks routed Lisenbee completely with a three-run rally as Pickering uncorked a wild heave on Chapman’s grounder, Lary walked and Dickey, Combs, and Ruth followed with singles.” [NOTE: It was also stated previously that “His (Ruth’s) first hit drove in a run.”]

NYHT—“Pickering turned loose a wide throw for a two-base error by way of starting the second inning. Before it was over the Yankees had made three runs.”

NYA—“… scoring Chapman and sending Lary to third. Sherid struck out. Combs singled past Reeves, Lary scoring and Dickey taking second. Reese sent a long fly to Oliver, Dickey moving to third after the catch. Ruth singled to center, scoring Dickey and putting Combs to third. Lisenbee was replaced by Brillheart. Gehrig forced Ruth at second, Rhyne to Reeves.”

NYDN—Nothing at all.

NYP—Nothing at all.

NYS—Nothing at all.

BG—“The Bronx ensemble picked up three counters in their half when Pickering made a two-base wild throw of Chapman’s bounder, Lary walked, and Dickey, Combs, and Ruth singled.”

BH—Nothing at all.

BP—“Pickering turned loose a wide throw for a two-base error by way of starting the second inning. Before it was over the Yankees had made three runs.”

Third Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“… the Yankees eased up a bit in the third, scoring only one on a pair of singles by Chapman and Sherid.”

NYHT—“In the third inning Reeves kicked one and then threw it away, and the Yankees made another run.”

NYA—“Lazzeri was thrown out by Rhyne. Chapman singled to left. Lary flied to Oliver. Chapman stole second. Dickey was safe on a low throw by Reeves, Chapman scoring. Sherid singled to left, Dickey stopping at second. Combs lined to Pickering.”

NYDN—Nothing at all.

NYP—Nothing at all.

NYS—Nothing at all.

BG—“The Yankees were handed another run in the third. Chapman singled, stole third and went home on Reeves’ bad throw of Dickey’s grounder. Sherid singled, but Pickering cut off two more runs with a spectacular leaping glove-hand spear of Combs’ well-hit drive.”

BH—Nothing at all.

BP—“In the third inning Reeves kicked one and then threw it away, and the Yankees made another run.”

Fourth Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“It looked like a parade of Civil War veterans in the fourth when Reeves blew a chance to pull a simple play on Ruth and Gehrig. As Reeves hurled the ball wide of its mark the Babe painfully made his way to third and Lou hobbled to second. Lazzeri, however, made the lot of the two maimed warriors considerably easier by smacking a long single to left centre. That blow gave Ruth and Gehrig ample time to make their way to the plate.” [NOTE: This description does not include mention of the other run scored by the Yankees in the fourth inning.]

NYHT—“In the fourth, Pickering booted one, and Reeves gummed up an easy double play by making a bad pass to second. The Yankees collected three more runs that inning and Lazzeri drove in two of them with a single.”

NYA—“Reese was safe when Pickering fumbled his grounder. Ruth singled to right sending Reese to third. Gehrig grounded to Reeves, scoring Reese. When Reeves threw wild past second trying for a force play on Ruth, Babe limped to third and Gehrig to second on the error. Lazzeri singled to center scoring Ruth and Gehrig. Chapman lifted to Webb. Lary singled to center, sending Lazzeri to third. Dickey grounded to Reeves who tagged Lary on the line and threw to Sweeney, doubling the batter.”

NYDN—“Regard, for example, the activities of the fourth inning, when the Yankees secured three runs. Reese arrived at first because of Pickering’s fumble. The Bambino, lustily cheered, bumped a single to right. Hungry Lou Gehrig hit to Reeves, who menaced the health of the customer in left field with an erratic throw, Reese scoring. Ruth’s lameness prevented him from scoring, too. But presently Signor Lazzeri jolted a ball to such a remote sector of the field that Ruth and Gehrig sauntered leisurely over the plate.”

NYP—Nothing at all.

NYS—Nothing at all.

BG—“Miscues provided the Ruppert hirelings with three more runs in the fourth. Reese got a life on Pickering’s bobble. Ruth singled for the second time. Gehrig hit to Reeves, who, with an apple-pie double play in front of him, threw past Rhyne, Reese scoring. Lazzeri’s hit chased the crippled Ruth and Gehrig across.”

BH—Nothing at all.

BP—“In the fourth, Pickering booted one, and Reeves gummed up an easy double play by making a bad pass to second. The Yankees collected three more runs that inning and Lazzeri drove in two of them with a single.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Combs scored on a wild pitch.

2 (second inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI single by Dickey.

3 (second inning)—Lary scored on a 1-RBI single by Combs.

4 (second inning)—Dickey scored on a 1-RBI single by Ruth.

5 (third inning)—Chapman scored (from second base) on a 2-out fielding error (wild throw) by the second baseman; Dickey was the batter.

6 (fourth inning)—Reese scored (from third base) on a 1-RBI grounder by Gehrig; Gehrig was safe at first base on a fielding error (wild throw) by the second baseman (who threw past second attempting to force out the runner going from first base to second base); Gehrig also advanced to second base on the fielding error.

7 (fourth inning)—Ruth scored on a 2-RBI single by Lazzeri.

8 (fourth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 2-RBI single by Lazzeri.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Dickey, Combs, Ruth, Lazzeri 2.

CONCLUSION: Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

July 01—New York at Detroit—New York scored 4 runs

First Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“Gehrig knocked home a run in the first inning with a single after Herring issued two passes.”

NYHT—“… the Yankees concocted a run in the first inning. Reese had forced Byrd and Ruth had walked, Gehrig crashed a single into center and Reese scampered home.”

NYWT—“Byrd walked. Reese forced Byrd, McManus to Brower. Ruth walked. Gehrig singled to centre, scoring Reese, Ruth going to third and Gehrig to second on the throw-in. Chapman struck out. McManus threw out Lary.”

DFP—“Reese forced Byrd, who walked. Ruth also walked, but Gehrig singled, scoring Reese.”

DN—Nothing at all.

Third Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“The big inning was the third. Reese led off with a tap toward third, Herring’s wild throw adding an extra base. Ruth’s booming single scored Reese. Gehrig lined his second single to centre, Ruth taking third and Gehrig moving to second on the centre fielder’s throw to third. Chapman’s fly to centre tallied the Babe. Lary concluded the inning’s fireworks with a triple to right centre, counting Gehrig.”

NYHT—“Reese opened the third with a bunt and beat it out. Herring meanwhile scrambled for the ball and flung it as far as the stands, letting Reese reach second. Ruth then singled to center, scoring Reese. Gehrig also singled to center and Chapman hit a long fly for Ruth to score and for Gehrig to advance to third. With one out, Lary drove a low liner beyond Johnson, who came in and dived for it without catching it. Lary took three bases on it only to be thrown out at the plate on Sewell’s grounder.”

NYWT—“Reese beat out a hit toward third and went to second when Herring threw wild to first. Ruth singled to centre, scoring Reese. Gehrig singled to centre, sending Ruth to third, Gehrig going to second on the throw-in. Chapman flied to Johnson, Ruth scoring and Gehrig going to third. Lary tripled to centre, scoring Gehrig. Sewell hit to McManus, whose throw to Hayworth retired Lary at the plate. Perkins fouled to Hayworth.”

DFP—“Reese beat out a bunt and took second on Herring’s poor throw. Ruth singled, scoring Reese, and Ruth went to third on Gehrig’s single while the latter reached second on the throw. Chapman’s fly to Johnson let Ruth in and when Lary tripled Gehrig scored. Sewell’s grounder to McManus retired Lary at the plate.”

DN—“Reese opened the fatal third with a slow roller toward third and went to second when Herring threw the ball past Alexander. Ruth’s single to center scored Reese. Gehrig singled to center, putting Ruth on third. Chapman flied deep to Johnson, Ruth scoring after the catch. Johnson tried to make a shoestring catch of Lary’s low liner but it bounded past him for a triple, scoring Gehrig.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Reese scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

2 (third inning)—Reese scored on a 1-RBI single by Ruth.

3 (third inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Chapman.

4 (third inning)—Gehrig scored on a 1-RBI triple by Lary.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Gehrig, Chapman, Ruth, Lary.


  • Chapman actually had1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

July 02—New York at Detroit –New York scored 13 runs

Second Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“The Yankees tickled Uhle for one run in the second inning. Three hits, Gehrig’s double and singles by Lary and Dickey, and the thing was done. It was done even before Dickey singled, but it is a pleasure to include him in the proceedings because the same trio gave an encore in the fourth.”

NYWT—“Gehrig doubled to left centre. Chapman flied to Johnson. Lary singled to right, scoring Gehrig. Dickey singled to left, Lary stopping at second. Sewell popped to Grabowski. Wells lined to Stone.”

DFP—“New York scored a run on Gehrig’s double that opened the second and supporting singles by Lary and Dickey.”

DN—Nothing at all.

Fourth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“Again Gehrig led off with a hit, this time a single. Again Chapman sent a fly to Johnson. Lary came through with another single, putting Gehrig on third. Dickey then lifted a long fly to Stone and Gehrig scored easily.”

NYWT—“Gehrig singled to right. Chapman flied to Johnson. Lary singled past Brower, Gehrig going to third. Dickey flied to Stone, Gehrig scoring. Lary was out stealing, Grabowski to Brower.”

DFP—“Singles by Gehrig and Lary, and Dickey’s fly to Stone gave the Yankees their second counter in the fourth.”

DN—Nothing at all.

Fifth Inning—New York scored 6 runs

NYT—Nothing significant.

NYHT—Nothing at all.

NYWT—“Sewell singled to centre. Wells was safe on Owen’s fumble. Byrd sacrificed, Owen to McManus. Reese flied to Johnson, Sewell scoring and Wells going to third. Ruth walked. Gehrig singled to left, scoring Wells, Ruth stopping at second. Chapman singled to left, scoring Ruth, Gehrig stopping at second. Lary doubled against the left field wall, scoring Gehrig and Chapman. Dickey doubled off the left field wall, scoring Lary. McManus threw out Sewell.”

DFP—“Sewell singled and Owen overran Wells’ roller, putting two on base. Byrd sacrificed. Reese’s contribution was a fly to Johnson, scoring Sewell. Ruth walked. Then Gehrig and Chapman singled and Lary and Dickey doubled. Up the second time, Sewell was the third out on a grounder to McManus.”

DN—“Sewell started the fifth inning with a single to left. Wells, instead of sacrificing, elected to swing and tapped the simplest sort of grounder to Owen. Wells’ grounder, after striking the center of Owen’s glove, bounced out. The error put two men on base with none out. Byrd sacrificed the runners to second and third. Reese flied to Johnson and Sewell scored after the catch. [NOTE: Nothing is mentioned about the other 5 runs scored by the Yankees in the fifth inning.]

Eighth Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“… the leading events being homers by Ruth and Chapman in the eighth. Ruth’s homer came with Byrd on base. After Gehrig missed his try, Chapman duplicated the Ruthian poke.”

NYHT—“Byrd banged out a single. Ruth knocked a home run over the left field fence and Chapman also sailed one over the left-field fence.”

NYWT—“Byrd singled to left. Owen threw out Reese. Ruth hit a home run over the left field fence, scoring Byrd. Owen threw out Gehrig. Chapman drove over the left field fence for a home run. Lary singled to left. McManus threw out Dickey.”

DFP—“Starting the eighth with a single, Byrd scored ahead of Ruth’s gentle tap over the left field stockade. Chapman put a home run in the same place.”

DN—Nothing significant.

Ninth Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—Nothing at all.

NYWT—“Sewell singled to centre. Wells doubled to left, scoring Sewell. Byrd hit to Owen and was safe when Alexander muffed the throw. Reese flied to Johnson, Wells scoring. Combs forced Byrd, McManus to Brower. McManus threw out Gehrig.”

DFP—“The Yankees added a couple for good measure in the ninth. Sewell and Wells singled and moved up when Alexander made a clean muff of Owen’s throw [after fielding Byrd’s grounder]. Reese’s fly to Johnson rescued Sewell and while Combs, who replaced Ruth at the start of the ninth, was forcing Byrd, Wells crossed.”

DN—Nothing at all.

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (second inning)—Gehrig scored on a 1-RBI single by Lary.

2 (fourth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Dickey.

3 (fifth inning)—Sewell scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Reese.

4 (fifth inning)—Wells scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

5 (fifth inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI single by Chapman.

6 (fifth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 2-RBI double by Lary.

7 (fifth inning)—Chapman scored on a 2-RBI double by Lary.

8 (fifth inning)—Lary scored on a 1-RBI double by Dickey.

9 (eighth inning)—Byrd scored on a 2-RBI homer by Ruth.

10 (eighth inning)—Ruth scored on a 2-RBI homer by Ruth.

11 (eighth inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI homer by Chapman.

12 (ninth inning)—Sewell scored on a 1-RBI double by Wells.

13 (ninth inning)—Wells scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Reese.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Lary 3, Dickey 2, Reese 2, Gehrig, Chapman 2, Ruth 2, Wells.


  • Lary actually had 3 RBIs—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Reese actually had 2 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Dickey actually had 2 RBIs—not 3 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

July 08 (first game)—New York vs. Boston—New York scored 13 runs

First Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“Combs led off in the Yankees’ half of the first with a homer into the left-field stand. Sewell doubled, then Ruth’s sizzling liner into the bleachers sent the Yanks ahead, 3-2.”

NYHT—“Combs hit a home run in the first inning, Sewell doubled and Ruth knocked a home run into the right field stand.”

NYWT—“Combs hit a home run into the left field stands. Sewell doubled to centre. Ruth hit his 21st home run into the right field stands, Sewell scoring. Gehrig flied to Vancamp (sic). Chapman was out, Sweeney to Russell. Lary was out, Miller to Sweeney.”

BG—“Combs greeted Russell with a thump into the left field stands for a home run and Ruth cracked his circuit blow over the right field barrier on top of Sewell’s double.”

BH—“The Yanks came right back with three runs in their half on Combs’ homer, Sewell’s double, and Ruth’s homer.”

BP—“Combs hit a home run in the first inning. Sewell doubled and Ruth knocked a homer into the right field stands.”

Second Inning—New York scored 4 runs

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“… in the second, when the Yankees made four runs. Ruth drove in two and scored when the second baseman dropped a throw-in.” [NOTE: No other information about the 4 runs scored by the Yankees in the second inning was provided.]

NYWT—“Dickey singled through short. Reese singled to right, Dickey stopping at second. Weaver sacrificed, Berry to Sweeney. Combs was safe on a fielder’s choice, Dickey holding third and Reese second. Sewell popped to Miller. Ruth singled to right, scoring Dickey and Reese, and sending Combs to third. Gehrig doubled to right, scoring Combs and sending Ruth to third, and when Miller dropped Webb’s throw-in, Ruth scored. Lisenbee replaced Russell. Chapman flied to Webb.”

BG—“In the second Dickey and Reese singled and Weaver sacrificed. On Combs’ bounder to the box Russell got all tangled up and Earl reached first ahead of the ball. Ruth rode Dickey and Reese home with a single, Gehrig’s double scored Combs, and Ruth continued to the plate when Miller muffed Webb’s throw-in.”

BH—“Dickey and Reese singled and advanced on Weaver’s sacrifice. Then Combs was safe when Russell waited too long before throwing to first after fielding an easy roller. The Babe came up with the bases loaded and poked out a single and Gehrig contributed a double to the business. Miller added to the disaster by muffing a fly as Russell gave way to Lisenbee.”

BP—“… in the second, when the Yankees made four runs. Ruth drove in two and scored when the second baseman dropped a throw-in.” [NOTE: No other information about the 4 runs scored by the Yankees in the second inning was provided.]

Sixth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—Nothing at all.

NYWT—“Dickey doubled to left. Reese was hit by a pitched ball. Weaver sacrificed, Berry to Miller. Combs lifted a long fly to Vancamp (sic), Dickey scoring. Sewell flied to Oliver.”

BG—“In the sixth Dickey’s double, Weaver’s sacrifice and Combs’ fly produced a counter.”

BH—“In the sixth Dickey doubled and Reese was hit by a pitched ball. Dickey advanced to third on a fielder’s choice and scored on a long fly to the outfield.”

BP—Nothing at all.

Seventh Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—Nothing at all.

NYWT—“Ruth walked. Gehrig popped to Miller. Chapman dropped a Texas Leaguer over second, Ruth going to third. Lary flied to Oliver, Ruth scoring. Chapman stole second when Miller dropped Berry’s throw. Dickey out, Rhyne to Sweeney.”

BG—“… and another [run] came in the seventh on a pass to Ruth, a single by Chapman and Lary’s outfield hit.”

BH—“Then in the seventh, Ruth was walked, Chapman singled and Ruth scored on an outfield fly.”

BP—Nothing at all.

Eighth Inning—New York scored 4 runs

NYT—Nothing significant.

NYHT—“Morris was pitching when Sewell hit a homer with two men on in the eighth and Byrd hit a double which would have gone into the left field stands if Van Camp had not reached up and deflected it.” [NOTE: No other information about the 4 runs scored by the Yankees in the eighth inning was provided.]

NYWT—“Reese walked. Weaver sacrificed and when Morris fumbled his roller, the Yankee pitcher was safe. Combs sacrificed, Morris to Sweeney. Sewell hit a home run into the right field stands, scoring Reese and Weaver. Byrd doubled to left. Byrd stole third. Gehrig flied to Oliver, Byrd scoring. Chapman singled to left. Morris, in attempting to catch Chapman off first, threw wild and Chapman went to second and stole third. Lary was out to Sweeney, unassisted.”

BG—“Reese walked and Weaver, who sacrificed, was safe when Morris fumbled. Combs also sacrificed. Sewell then hit into the right-field bleachers for a home run, and scored behind Reese and Weaver. Byrd doubled, took third unmolested and finished his tour on Gehrig’s fly.”

BH—“Reese walked and Weaver sacrificed, but Morris fumbled and both were safe. Combs sacrificed and Sewell stepped into a fast one to score three runs with his long homer to the right field stand. Byrd doubled and Chapman singled for the last run of the nightmare.” [NOTE: This description is at odds with that given in the NYWT play-by-play account and the description given in the BG account; furthermore, the BH description omits Gehrig’s participation in the inning.]

BP—“Morris was pitching when Sewell hit a homer with two men on in the eighth and Byrd hit a double which would have gone into the left field stands if Van Camp had not reached up and deflected it.” [NOTE: No other information about the 4 runs scored by the Yankees in the eighth inning was provided.]

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI homer by Combs.

2 (first inning)—Sewell scored on a 2-RBI homer by Ruth.

3 (first inning)—Ruth scored on a 2-RBI homer by Ruth.

4 (second inning)—Dickey scored on a 2-RBI single by Ruth.

5 (second inning)—Reese scored on a 2-RBI single by Ruth.

6 (second inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI double by Gehrig.

7 (second inning)—Ruth scored (from first base) on a fielding error (dropped ball) by the second baseman coupled with a double by Gehrig.

8 (sixth inning)—Dickey scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly Combs.

9 (seventh inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Lary.

10 (eighth inning)—Reese scored on a 3-RBI homer by Sewell.

11 (eighth inning)—Weaver scored on a 3-RBI homer by Sewell.

12 (eighth inning)—Sewell scored on a 3-RBI homer by Sewell.

13 (eighth inning)—Byrd scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Gehrig

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Combs 2, Ruth 4, Gehrig 2, Lary, Sewell 3.


  • Gehrig actually had 2 RBIs—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Byrd actually had 0 RBIs—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1933

September 29—New York vs. Washington—New York scored 5 runs

Fifth Inning—New York scored 4 runs

NYT—“Crosetti, Ruffing, Farrell, and Chapman did the hitting in the fifth, the Alabamian’s single with the bases loaded driving home two runs.”

NYHT—Nothing at all.

WP—“In the fifth, three passes and four hits accounted for a quartet of runs.” [NOTE: In a sidebar the following was stated—“Farrell hit for three bases with the bases loaded in that (fifth) inning, but only one man scored, while Farrell ran from home to first, first to second, and back to first again.”]

Retrosheet (unproofed) PBP account—“YANKEES 5TH: J.Glenn grounded out (O.Bluege to J.Kuhel); F.Crosetti singled to left field; R.Ruffing singled to center field [F.Crosetti to third]; S.Byrd walked [R.Ruffing to second]; D.Farrell singled to right field [F.Crosetti scored, R.Ruffing to third, S.Byrd to second]; B.Ruth popped to L.Sewell

in foul territory; L.Gehrig walked [R.Ruffing scored, S.Byrd to third, D.Farrell to second]; B.Chapman singled to center field [S.Byrd scored, D.Farrell scored, L.Gehrig to third]; L.Lary

walked [B.Chapman to second]; J.Glenn flied to H.Manush; 4 R, 4 H, 0 E, 3 LOB. Senators 5, Yankees 4.”

Seventh Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“They couldn’t catch the Senators, however, although they added a fifth run in the seventh when Ruth blasted a mighty triple to the flagpole in left centre and Combs, running for him, trotted home after Gehrig had sent a long fly to the same sector.”

NYHT—Nothing at all.

WP—Nothing at all.

Retrosheet (unproofed) PBP account—“YANKEES 7TH: S.RICE REPLACED H.MANUSH (PLAYING LF); B.Ruth

tripled to center field; E.COMBS RAN FOR B.RUTH; L.Gehrig flied to F.Schulte [E.Combs scored]; B.Chapman grounded out (J.Cronin to J.Kuhel); L.Lary walked; J.Glenn forced L.Lary (J.Cronin to B.Myer) [J.Glenn to first]; 1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 1 LOB. Senators 8, Yankees 5.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (fifth inning)—Crosetti scored on a 1-RBI single by Farrell.

2 (fifth inning)—Ruffing scored on a 1-RBI walk to Gehrig.

3 (fifth inning)—Byrd scored on a 2-RBI single by Chapman.

4 (fifth inning)—Farrell scored on a 2-RBI single by Chapman.

5 (seventh inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Gehrig.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Farrell, Gehrig 2, Chapman 2.

CONCLUSION: Gehrig actually had 2 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1934

May 18—New York at Detroit—New York scored 8 runs

Third Inning—New York scored 5 runs

NYT—“Combs’s double started the parade. Rolfe scored him with a two-bagger, Ruth walked, and Rolfe tallied when Gehrig singled to centre. This was the end of Marberry. Chapman greeted Auker with a double, which chased Ruth home, and Gehrig rounded third and counted when Doljack’s wide throw sailed past Rogell. Chapman stole third and scored after Dickey’s long fly.”

NYHT—“Starting the third, Combs doubled to right center and Rolfe scored him by pulling another double into the extreme right field corner. The Babe walked and Gehrig singled to center, scoring Rolfe. Auker replaced Marberry and Chapman dumped a double into right. Ruth scored and Gehrig came along too when Doljack made a bad throw to second base. Chapman then stole third and scored on Dickey’s fly.”

NYP—“Combs doubled to right center. Rolfe doubled to the right field corner, scoring Combs. Ruth walked. Gehrig singled over second, scoring Rolfe and putting Ruth on third. Auker replaced Marberry. Chapman dropped a texas league double in right, scoring Ruth, and Gehrig also scored when Doljack threw past second base. Chapman stole third. Lazzeri walked. Dickey flied to Goslin, Chapman scoring after the catch. Heffner flied to G. Walker. Ruffing struck out.”

DFP—Nothing at all.

DN—Nothing at all.

DT—“Combs doubled to right center. Rolfe doubled to right, scoring Combs. Ruth walked. Gehrig singled over second, scoring Rolfe and putting Ruth on third. Auker replaced Marberry. Chapman looped a Texas League double into right, scoring Ruth and putting Gehrig on third. Gehrig scored when Doljack threw wild to second. Chapman stole third. Lazzeri walked. Dickey flied to Goslin, Chapman scoring after the catch. Heffner flied to Walker. Ruffing struck out.”

Fourth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“… but the Yankees came back with another run in the fourth, on singles by Combs and Ruth, Owen’s error and infield out.”

NYHT—“In the fourth, after Combs had scored for the Yankees on Ruth’s pop hit to center, the Tigers went after Ruffing in earnest.”

NYP—“Combs singled to right center. Rolfe was safe on first when Owen fumbled his grounder. Ruth’s high fly in short center dropped safely for a single, filling the bases. Gehrig forced Ruth, Greenberg to Rogell, Combs scoring and Rolfe stopping at third. Chapman sacrificed, Auker to Greenberg, Gehrig going to second and Rolfe holding third. Lazzeri struck out.”

DFP—Nothing at all.

DN—Nothing at all.

DT—“Combs singled to center. Owen fumbled Rolfe’s grounder, Combs stopping at second. Ruth’s fly dropped in short center for a single, filling the bases. Gehrig forced Ruth, Greenberg to Rogell, Combs scoring. Chapman sacrificed, Auker to Greenberg. Lazzeri struck out.”

Seventh Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“In the seventh the Yanks pounded Auker off the mound, under a three-hit barrage, and when Hogsett replaced him Combs promptly lashed a single that drove Dickey home, tying the count for the second time, at 8-all.”

NYHT—“The Yankees tied it in the seventh when Lazzeri doubled and Dickey, Smythe, and Combs singled.”

NYP—Nothing at all.

DFP—Nothing at all.

DN—Nothing at all.

DT—“Lazzeri doubled past Owen. Dickey singled to center, scoring Lazzeri. Heffner fouled to Goslin. Smythe singled to left, Dickey stopping at third. Hogsett replaced Auker. Combs singled to left, scoring Dickey. Rolfe forced Combs, Gehringer unassisted. Ruth grounded to Gehringer.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (third inning)—Combs score on a 1-RBI double by Rolfe.

2 (third inning)—Rolfe scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

3 (third inning)—Ruth scored on a 1-RBI double by Chapman.

4 (third inning)—Gehrig scored (from first base) on a fielding error (wild throw) by the right fielder couple with a double by Chapman.

5 (third inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Dickey.

6 (fourth inning)—Combs scored on a 1-RBI fielder’s-choice-force-out by Gehrig.

7 (seventh inning)—Lazzeri scored on a 1-RBI single by Dickey.

8 (seventh inning)—Dickey scored on a 1-RBI single by Combs.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Rolfe, Gehrig 2, Chapman, Dickey 2, Combs.


  • Gehrig actually had 2 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Smythe actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1935

June 08 (second game)—New York at Boston—New York scored 2 runs

Fourth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“The Yanks, who had scored one run in the fourth on Chapman’s double and Gehrig’s single, …”

NYHT—“In the fourth, Chapman led off with a double. Gehrig knocked him home with a single, tying the score.”

BG—“The Yanks tied the score in the fourth on Chapman’s opening double and Gehrig’s single.”

BH—“But Ben [Chapman] arched a phony two-bagger to short right field in the fourth and then scored as Gehrig rolled a single to right.

BP—“… till the fourth where Chapman opened with a two-bagger and Gehrig supplied the single that sent the Yankee flyer in.”

Sixth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“…came up with another [run] in the sixth on Chapman’s second two-bagger and Lazzeri’s single.”

NYHT—“In the sixth, Chapman again hit for two bases. Gehrig failed this time, but Lazzeri didn’t. Tony knocked Chapman home with a single.”

BG—Nothing at all.

BH—“In the sixth Ben [Chapman] doubled to the left field corner, took third on Gehrig’s infield out and tallied when Lazzeri pooshed a single to right.”

BP—“In the sixth the Yankees registered once more, again the speedy Chapman getting two bases on a one-base blow, this time coming in when Lazzeri was able to punch a hit to short right.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (fourth inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

2 (sixth inning)—Chapman scored on a 1-RBI single by Lazzeri.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Gehrig, Lazzeri.


  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Chapman actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1936

April 15—New York at Washington—New York scored 5 runs

Second Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“The Yanks reached Linke for a run in the second on Dickey’s triple and Chapman’s double.”

NYHT—“They got a run in the second when Dickey tripled to center and Chapman followed with his first of three hits, a double.”

NYP—“Dickey tripled over Powell’s head, a smash that went to the far corner in center field. Chapman came through with a hit which he stretched into a double through fast sprinting to score Dickey.”

WP—“They picked up a run in the second when Dickey tripled to center and Chapman followed with a double to the same spot.”

Fourth Inning—New York scored 3 runs

NYT—“In the fourth singles by Selkirk and Chapman and doubles by Lazzeri and Crosetti fashioned three more [runs].”

NYHT—“Three more Yankees scored in the fourth on singles by Selkirk and Chapman and doubles by Lazzeri and Crosetti.”

NYP—“Selkirk led off with a single and went to third when Chapman rifled a single through the box. Lazzeri came through with a double to the left field wall, scoring Selkirk and Chapman, and counted himself on Crosetti’s double to right center.”

WP—“… in the fourth when Selkirk singled, Chapman singled, Lazzeri doubled and Crosetti doubled.”

Fifth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“Rolfe singled. Johnson forced Rolfe and Selkirk’s single chased Linke to the showers. Johnson then scored as Gehrig grounded out when Russell came to his mate’s rescue.”

NYHT—“The blow that eradicated Linke was a drive through the box by Chapman in the fifth. Johnson, who was on first at the time, made third. Linke was excused and Russell entered. The run came over on Gehrig’s roller.”

NYP—“Rolfe singled but was forced by Johnson. Chapman came through with his second hit of the game to put Johnson on third and Russell replaced Linke. While Myer was throwing out Gehrig, Johnson counted. Myer then went back of second to take Dickey’s bounder and get him at first.”

WP—“…in the fifth when Rolfe and Selkirk singled with one out. At this point Russell succeeded Linke and would have turned back the Yanks scoreless except for Myer’s momentary fumble of a double play ball.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (second inning)—Dickey scored on a 1-RBI double by Chapman.

2 (fourth inning)—Selkirk scored on a 2-RBI double by Lazzeri.

3 (fourth inning)—Chapman scored on a 2-RBI double by Lazzeri.

4 (fourth inning)—Lazzeri scored on a 2-RBI double by Crosetti.

5 (fifth inning)—Johnson scored on a 1-RBI groundout by Gehrig.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Chapman, Lazzeri 2, Crosetti, Gehrig.


  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Selkirk actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

September 04—New York at Boston—New York scored 9 runs

Fourth Inning—New York scored 5 runs

NYT—“An infield hit by Saltzgaver started Ostermueller on his way to swift disaster in the fourth. DiMaggio drew a pass. Gehrig forced Joe. But Powell cracked a single to center, scoring one; Lazzeri fetched home three with his wallop over the left field barrier, and after Seeds had walked Murphy himself supplied the finishing stroke on the Boston lefthander by ramming a double into left center to drive in the fifth run.”

NYHT—Nothing at all.

BG—“Saltzgaver smashed a single off Fritz’ mitt and took second as DiMaggio was passed. Gehrig forced DiMaggio at second, but Powell singled, scoring Saltzgaver and Lazzeri connected for his homer that scored Gehrig and Powell ahead of him. Ostermueller became wild, walking Seeds, and after Glenn flied deeply to Cramer, Murphy doubled Seeds home with the fifth and final run of the inning.”

BH—“Saltzgaver started it by singling to Kroner. DiMaggio was walked and forced by Gehrig. Powell’s single through the box let Saltzgaver tally and forthwith Lazzeri hit the three-one pitch over the wall for three more runs. Ostie passed Seeds, who stole second, and, after Glenn had flied out to Cramer, Murphy’s double to left scored Seeds with the fifth run of that eruptive fourth.’

BP—“Saltzgaver was the first up and he got a hit when Ostermueller deflected his bounder away from Kroner. DiMaggio drew a base on balls while Gehrig forced DiMaggio at second. Powell singled to drive in one run and Lazzeri followed with his homer that accounted for three more. Here Wilson replaced Ostermueller. Jack walked Seeds, the latter stole second, and with two gone Murphy doubled to chase the fifth tally in.”

Fifth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“… and he had the stage to himself in the fifth, getting on base after knocking two fly balls, one foul, one fair, which two men dropped, taking third on a sacrifice and scoring on a wild pitch.” [NOTE: In a sidebar it is mentioned, “The fly ball on which DiMaggio reached second in the fifth was dropped by the shortstop at the pitcher’s box.”]

BG—“DiMaggio reached second when McNair muffed his high fly on the pitcher’s box, took third as Gehrig sacrificed and scored on a wild pitch.”

BH—“… but he [DiMaggio] got all the way to second in the fifth when McNair muffed his high infield fly. Gehrig bunted Joe to third, whence he scored a moment later on a very wild pitch by Wilson.”

BP—“In the next frame DiMaggio led a charmed life. First Ferrell muffed his foul fly. Directly after this McNair muffed his high fly to the infield and this error put the fleet-footed Italian on second. Gehrig sacrificed and Wilson uncorked a wild pitch to let DiMaggio score.”

Sixth Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—Nothing at all.

BG—“Two more New Yorkers crossed the plate in the sixth on Seeds’ double that was allowed to drop safely in short right, a pass to Crosetti, Saltzgaver’s double and an error by Kroner at second.”

BH—“A Seeds arch fly to short right was just missed by Almada in the sixth, went as a double, and a pass to Crosetti, a double to left by Saltzgaver and a muff of a throw from Werber to second by Kroner added up to two more Yank tallies.”

BP—“Continuing the assault upon Wilson the Yankees banged out a couple of doubles in the sixth, and as a pass had been sandwiched in between, the combination spelled two more scores.”

Eighth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“They got one more in the eighth, Malone knocking it home with a single.”

BG—“Malone also brought in the last Yankee run in the eighth. Seeds singled, took second as Glenn was retired at first and Malone drove a hard one through the box that brought “Suitcase” home.

BH—“A Seeds single in the eighth, an infield out and Malone’s surprising single to center gave the Yankees their ninth and last run.”

BP—“It remained for Malone himself to come to bat in the eighth with a man on second and one out and drive in the last tally of the contest with a clean single to centre.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (fourth inning)—Saltzgaver scored on a 1-RBI single by Powell.

2 (fourth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 3-RBI homer by Lazzeri.

3 (fourth inning)—Powell scored on a 3-RBI homer by Lazzeri.

4 (fourth inning)—Lazzeri scored on a 3-RBI homer by Lazzeri.

5 (fourth inning)—Seeds scored on a 1-RBI double by Murphy.

6 (fifth inning)—DiMaggio scored on a wild pitch.

7 (sixth inning)—Seeds scored on a 1-RBI double by Saltzgaver.

8 (sixth inning)—Crosetti scored (from first base) on a fielding error (muffed catch) by the second baseman coupled with a double by Saltzgaver.

9 (eighth inning)—Seeds scored on a 1-RBI single by Malone.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Powell, Lazzeri 3, Murphy, Saltzgaver, Malone.


  • Powell actually had 1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Gehrig actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1937

June 07—New York at Detroit—New York scored 3 runs

Fourth Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“With one out in the fourth he [Wade] was rocked by DiMaggio’s single, Gehrig’s triple and Dickey’s single as the Yankees chased over two runs.

NYHT—“DiMaggio singled, Gehrig tripled and Dickey singled in the fourth, breaking the spell under which Wade had held them.”

DFP—“DiMaggio made the first hit, singling to center after one was out. Gehrig followed with a triple to right center that scored DiMaggio and followed his teammate home when Dickey singled to right center. Wade picked Dickey off first at that point and then ended the inning by retiring Lazzeri on a fly to Fox.”

DN—“DiMaggio singled, Gehrig tripled, and Dickey singled in succession. Two runs scored.”

DT—“Rolfe grounded to Greenberg. DiMaggio got the first Yankee hit, a single to center. Gehrig tripled to the center field bleachers, scoring DiMaggio. Dickey singled to center, scoring Gehrig. Dickey was trapped off first and run down, Wade to Greenberg to Rogell to Gehringer. Lazzeri flied to Fox.”

Ninth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—“A double play in the ninth inning canceled one of the two passes Wade issued just before DiMaggio struck his eighth homer of the season, a blast over the left field wall, after the count went to 3 and 2.”

NYHT—“The count was three and two on DiMaggio when Wade grooved the next one and the slugging Yankee outfielder whammed it over the wall.”

DFP—“Crosetti opened the ninth inning and worked Wade for the second pass of the game. Rolfe then hit a sharp bounder to Rogell. Seeing that he would not be able to complete the double play if he tossed to Gehringer, Rogell hustled over to second, stepped on the bag and rifled a throw to Greenberg who helped with a long stretch. The throw beat Rolfe by a fraction of a step and then DiMaggio hit a home run over the left-field wall.”

DN—“Crosetti leading off drew Wade’s second pass. Rolfe drove a grounder through the box that Rogell picked up behind and to the left of second base. Going forward he stepped on the bag and then rifled the ball to Greenberg in time to nail Rolfe by a step. The double play saved the game for Detroit. It kept off the bases a runner who would have crossed the plate ahead of DiMaggio when the Frisco Kid hit his home run over the left field fence.”

DT—“Crosetti walked. Rolfe grounded into a double play, Rogell to Greenberg. DiMaggio hit a home run over the left field wall. Gehringer threw out Gehrig.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (fourth inning)—DiMaggio scored on a 1-RBI triple by Gehrig.

2 (fourth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 1-RBI single by Dickey.

3 (ninth inning)—DiMaggio scored on a 1-RBI homer by DiMaggio.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Gehrig, Dickey, DiMaggio


  • Dickey actually had 1 RBI—not 0 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

  • Gehrig actually had 1 RBI—not 2 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

Lou Gehrig RBI Errors—1938

May 13—New York vs. Philadelphia—New York scored 6 runs

First Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“Two hits, including Henrich’s perfect drag bunt, and a pass and an error gave the Yanks two in the first

NYHT—“The Yankees had made two runs against Caster in the first on Crosetti’s single, a base on balls, Henrich’s drag bunt, Dickey’s fly and an error by Lodigiani.” [NOTE: In a sidebar it is stated, “Henrich’s drag bunt in the first almost scored Crosetti from second when Lodigiani, racing toward first on what looked like a sacrifice bunt play, had to retrace his steps to stop the ball from rolling into the outfield.”]

NYP—“Crosetti singled. Rolfe walked. Henrich bunted safely, filling the bases. DiMaggio popped to Werber. Dickey flied to Haas, Crosetti scoring. Gehrig was safe at first when Lodigiani allowed his grounder to go through him, Rolfe scoring and Henrich reaching third. Hoag flied to Haas.”

NYDN—“Crosetti’s single, a walk to Rolfe and Henrich’s drag bunt filled the bases. After DiMaggio’s pop to Werber, Dickey shot a hard liner to Haas, which scored Crosetti with the first run. Henrich tallied the second when Lodigiani flubbed Gehrig’s roller.”

PINQ—“The Yanks nudged Caster for two runs in the first after filling the bases with none out. Crosetti’s single, a walk to Rolfe and Henrich’s drag bunt did the filling. After DiMaggio’s pop to Werber, Dickey shot a hard liner to Haas which produced Crosetti with the first run. Henrich crossed with the second when Lodigiani flubbed Gehrig’s roller.”

Fourth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“A base on balls, Crosetti’s single and a force-out tied the score in the fourth.”

NYP—“Knickerbocker flied to Johnson. Pearson walked. Crosetti singled, sending Pearson to third. Rolfe forced Crosetti, Pearson scoring. Rolfe was picked off first and run down at second.”

NYDN—“A walk to Pearson, Crosetti’s single and Rolfe’s force out tied the score for the Yanks in the fourth.”

PINQ—“A walk to Pearson, Crosetti’s single and Rolfe’s force out tied the score for the Yanks in the fourth.”

Sixth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“… and the Yankees went ahead in a hitless sixth when Caster was the victim of his own erratic fielding. After walking Gehrig he tossed Hoag’s double-play hopper into centerfield and then failed to make a play on Gehrig on Knickerbocker’s roller to the box.”

NYP—“Gehrig walked. Hoag was safe on Caster’s error, Gehrig reaching third. Knickerbocker out, Caster to Finney, Gehrig scoring and Hoag holding second. Pearson flied to Haas. Crosetti grounded out.”

NYDN—“… while a walk to Gehrig, Caster’s two-base wild throw and Knickerbocker’s infield out sent the Champs ahead with another run in the sixth.”

PINQ—“… and a walk to Gehrig, Caster’s two-base wild throw and Knickerbocker’s infield out sent the Champs ahead with another run in the sixth.”

Seventh Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“Gehrig got a fluke hit in the seventh that scored two runs and stretched his straight-game hitting streak to six.”

NYHT—“Singles by Rolfe, Henrich, Dickey and Gehrig drove Caster from the mound. With two runs in and two men on he [Potter] got Hoag to lift to left for the second out, walked Knickerbocker, filling the bases, and then fanned Selkirk.”

NYP—“Rolfe and Henrich singled, Rolfe stopping at second. DiMaggio fouled to Finney. Dickey beat out a hit to deep short, filling the bases. Gehrig drooped a single in short center, scoring Rolfe and Henrich, Dickey stopping at second. Potter replaced Caster on the mound for the A’s. Knickerbocker walked, filling the bases. Selkirk batted for Hadley and fanned.”

NYDN—“Rolfe and Henrich started the Yank seventh with singles. Dickey filled the bases with another, after DiMaggio’s foul to Finney. Gehrig’s pop fly fell safely in short center for a single, scoring Rolfe and Henrich and shunting Caster to the showers. Potter came in and saved the game. Coming in with two in, two on, and one out, Potter retired Hoag, walked Knickerbocker to fill the bases and then fanned Selkirk to end the inning.”

PINQ—“Rolfe and Henrich started the Yank seventh with singles. Dickey filled the bases with another, after DiMaggio’s foul to Finney. Gehrig’s pop fly fell safely in short center for a single, scoring Rolfe and Henrich and shunting Caster to the showers. Potter came in and saved the game. Coming in with two in, two on, and one out, Potter retired Hoag, walked Knickerbocker to fill the bases and then fanned Selkirk to end the inning.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Crosetti scored on a 1-RBI sacrifice fly by Dickey.

2 (first inning)—Rolfe scored (from second or third base) on a 2-out grounder by Gehrig that was fumbled by the second baseman.

3 (fourth inning)—Pearson scored on a 1-RBI fielder’s-choice-force-out by Rolfe.

4 (sixth inning)—Gehrig scored on a 1-RBI groundout by Knickerbocker.

5 (seventh inning)—Rolfe scored on a 2-RBI single by Gehrig.

6 (seventh inning)—Henrich scored on a 2-RBI single by Gehrig.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Dickey, Rolfe, Knickerbocker, Gehrig 2.

CONCLUSION: Gehrig actually had 2 RBIs—not 3 RBIs as shown in the official baseball records.

May 28—New York at Philadelphia—New York scored 4 runs

First Inning—New York scored 2 runs

NYT—“It looked like a bad afternoon for Nelson when Rolfe’s double, passes to Gehrig and Dickey, and Henrich’s double fashioned two Yankee runs in the first.”

NYHT—“Rolfe doubled in the first with one out and after DiMaggio was tossed out at first, Nelson walked Gehrig and Dickey, filling the bases. Henrich’s two-bagger to right scored Rolfe and Gehrig.”

PINQ—Nothing at all.

RETROSHEET (unproofed) PBP account—“YANKEES 1ST: F.Crosetti popped to B.Werber; R.Rolfe doubled; J.DiMaggio grounded out (B.Werber to D.Siebert) [R.Rolfe to third]; L.Gehrig walked; B.Dickey walked [L.Gehrig to second]; T.Henrich doubled [R.Rolfe scored, L.Gehrig scored, B.Dickey to third]; J.Powell grounded out (B.Werber to D.Siebert); 2 R, 2 H, 0 E, 2 LOB. Highlanders 2, Athletics 0.”

Fifth Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“Crosetti was hit by a pitched ball in the fifth and after Rolfe and DiMaggio went out without a struggle, Gehrig’s two-bagger to left center scored Crosetti.”

PINQ—Nothing at all.

RETROSHEET (unproofed) PBP account—“HIGHLANDERS 5TH: F.Crosetti was hit by a pitch; R.Rolfe flied to S.Chapman; J.DiMaggio grounded out (W.Ambler to D.Siebert) [F.Crosetti to second]; L.Gehrig doubled [F.Crosetti scored]; B.Dickey popped to B.Werber; 1 R, 1 H, 0 E, 1 LOB. Highlanders 3, Athletics 8.”

Seventh Inning—New York scored 1 run

NYT—Nothing at all.

NYHT—“Crosetti singled in the seventh and Rolfe and DiMaggio again were easy outs. Gehrig’s single scored Crosetti.”

PINQ—Nothing at all.

RETROSHEET (unproofed) PBP account—“HIGHLANDERS 7TH: F.Crosetti singled; R.Rolfe flied to W.Moses;

J.DiMaggio grounded out (W.Ambler to D.Siebert) [F.Crosetti to second]; L.Gehrig singled [F.Crosetti scored]; B.Dickey flied to W.Moses; 1 R, 2 H, 0 E, 1 LOB. Highlanders 4, Athletics 10.”

SUMMARY of the runs scored by the Yankees:

1 (first inning)—Rolfe scored on a 2-RBI double by Henrich.

2 (first inning)—Gehrig scored on a 2-RBI double by Henrich.

3 (fifth inning)—Crosetti scored on a 1-RBI double by Gehrig.

4 (seventh inning)—Crosetti scored on a 1-RBI single by Gehrig.

BOXSCORE RBI statistics: Henrich 2, Gehrig, DiMaggio.


  • Gehrig actually had 2 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

  • DiMaggio actually had 0 RBIs—not 1 RBI as shown in the official baseball records.

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