Latino Baseball Research Committee

The Latino Baseball Committee seeks to educate the public of the rich and illustrious history of the Latin contribution to the game of baseball.  The committee provides interesting research on many nuances in baseball’s history.  From Latinos in the Negro Leagues and professional baseball in the Caribbean, to the ever-growing number of Latinos in baseball today, there is much work to be done as we continue to explore new stories to tell.

Cuban Baseball Research Group: The Cuban Baseball Research Group, a subcommittee of the Latino Baseball Committee led by baseball journalist Reynaldo Cruz, aims to foster research on the history of Cuban baseball since its early days, its impact on American and Caribbean baseball, and the impact of the US in Cuban baseball. The group will also help research and write more SABR biographies of Cuban players, including those who played in the Negro Leagues, and correct the historical record of some Cuban baseball players.

Newsletters: The Latino Baseball Committee publishes a quarterly newsletter, La Prensa del Beisbol Latino, a member-driven publication.  Each quarter we receive great stories, articles, photos and news items to share with our committee members and interested parties. To find current and past Latino Baseball committee newsletters, click here.

Announcements: To sign up for email announcements from this committee, click the “Announcements” button above, then click “Join Group” (). All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from any committee.

Join the discussion on Facebook: Be sure to LIKE us on our new Facebook page at and please consider joining in the discussion.


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