Negro Leagues Research Committee

Welcome to the Negro Leagues Committee.

The Negro Leagues Committee was formed in 1971 in an effort to research and preserve the history of blacks in baseball before the re-integration of the game, and to support efforts to give them recognition.

1994 marked the release of the committee’s landmark publication, The Negro Leagues Book, which was updated in 2020 by Larry Lester and Wayne Stivers. The committee also compiles Negro League statistics, interviews former players and provides a network for research in the area. Subcommittees include ballparks, Negro Leaguers in Japan, Organized Baseball records, player register updates, and Negro League rosters.

A Negro League Bibliography has been initiated in conjunction with the Bibliography Committee. The eighth edition of The Baseball Encyclopedia featured Negro League player statistics provided by the committee.

The committee also hosts the annual Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference, the only symposium dedicated exclusively to the examination and promotion of black baseball history. You can learn more at The committee also holds a high school essay contest, art competition and offers school library grants.

To learn more about donating to the Negro League Baseball Grave Marker Project, click here.

  • Newsletters: To find current and past Negro Leagues committee newsletters, click here.
  • Announcements: To sign up for email announcements from this committee, click the “Announcements” button above, then click “Join Group” (). All SABR members are eligible to sign up for announcements from any committee.


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