Steve Barber

Steve Barber was a wild left-handed pitcher with a cannonball…

Red Barber

The man who broadcast Jackie Robinson’s first season with the…

Frank Barberich

Frank Barberich pitched in two games for Boston’s National…

Jim Barbieri

Baseball fans remember Game One of the 1954 World Series for…
George Barclay (TRADING CARD DB)

George Barclay

Early Deadball Era outfielder George Barclay crammed significant…
Jesse Barfield (TRADING CARD DB)

Jesse Barfield

Arm and wrist strength were Jesse Barfield’s calling cards.…
Clyde Barfoot (Trading Card DB)

Clyde Barfoot

Former Army drillmaster Clyde Barfoot, a tall, husky, brown-haired…

Al Barker

During the glorious seven-year existence of the Forest City Base…