Yankee Clipper Takes the Cake
A slide of a black-and-white, full-length photograph showing Joe DiMaggio pretending to swing at a five-tier cake for his 50th birthday. DiMaggio is wearing a suit and a tie and is standing in profile with his front and right sides visible. He is swinging from the back side of the cake. From top to bottom, with one word per cake tier, it reads, "Happy Birthday Joe 5." The caption on the right side of the photograph reads, "(FX8) San Francisco, Nov. 18 -- Yankee Clipper Takes The Cake -- Baseball Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio, being honored on his 50th birthday with a banquet in San Francisco's Sheraton-Palace hotel tonight, takes a cut at his cake for benefit of photographers prior to start of festivities. Number 5 is the Yankee Clipper's playing number with the New Yorkers. Some 1,000 persons, including baseball's elite, attended. (AP Wirephoto) (sjv41935rwk) 1964 (Eds: No [photographers were allowed in banquet room during the festivities)." Information written on the slide reads, "50th Birthday cake; 1964"