Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra in Dugout
a slide of a black-and-white half-length photograph of Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra in a dugout. Both are wearing New York Yankee road uniforms. Mantle is crouched forward, seated atop the bench backrest with his feet on the seat, while Berra is seated, with his body turned toward Mantle. Attached to the photo is an AP Wirephoto description which reads "(BAl) BALTIMORE, Aug. 16—MANTLE BENCHED—Yankee outfielder Mickey Mantle, left, talks to New York manager Yogi Berra before today’s game with the Baltimore Orioles. Mantle was forced to spend the day on the bench because of a jammed left knee which he suffered in Friday’s game with Baltimore. There was some doubt whether Mantle would be able to play in New York’s four-game series with Chicago opening Monday. (AP WIREPHOTO) (kbdll64Ostf) 1964"