Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter meeting recap – 7/10/2024

Members and guests of the SABR Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter gathered at Little Italy in Tallahassee, Florida, for their monthly meeting on July 10, 2024.  In attendance were:

  • Matt Hudson, Vice President
  • Brent Kallestad, Communications Co-Director
  • Rene Watters, Communications Co-Director
  • Rick Swain, Treasurer
  • Kent Putnam, Secretary
  • Frank Alarcon
  • Susan Allen
  • Don Blancett
  • Gar Chisenhall
  • Fred Dunphy
  • Bruce Grant
  • Jeff Lickson
  • Jacob Lintner
  • Brian Logan
  • John Nogowski
  • Mark Pelt
  • Glenn Roberson
  • Chuck Rosciam
  • Jim Turner
  • Kathy Wiegand
  • Jim Wolf

Vice President Hudson called the meeting to order at or about 6:05 PM.  The roll was taken; we welcomed new member Jacob Lintner and Fred’s guest, Kathy Wiegand.  Chuck presented first and spoke of the current standings in the Chapter’s MLB Prediction Contest, the awards to standout NCAA baseball players, and more. 

The Veep thanked members for their support as the Chapter transitions from the long-time leadership of Matt Keelean to the new board.  He asked members for feedback on venues for meetings and other topics. 

Seven chapter members plan to attend the national SABR conference in Minneapolis next month.  Attendees of our monthly meetings were encouraged to check their SABR membership status and asked to seriously consider joining if they are not members at this time.

We turned to the wonderful world of baseball, touching on topics involving the All Star Game, the College World Series, the cost of attending MLB games, and more.  For the grand finale we each told a story about Willie Mays and the ways in which he influenced how we feel about The Game.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kent Putnam, Chapter Secretary