Young: Let’s allow the spirit of The Kid to guide us

From SABR member Bill Young at the Montreal Gazette on April 4, 2012:

It is the beginning of April, too late winter, too early spring – what Robert Frost called mud-time, “when the sun was warm but the wind was chill.”

And today, for folks in these parts, particularly baseball fans, time is especially muddy.

For this day, April 4, is the first day of the 2012 major league season – a depressing day that forever draws into stark relief the agonizing absence of our beloved Expos and the winsome magic of Opening Day in Montreal.

Out there in the country of baseball, they say, the sun still shines, bands play and hearts are light, but not here, not today.

And certainly not this year – for the grief and sadness engendered by the early and untimely death of Gary Carter, the Kid, still tears at our hearts.

For 10 years, Carter, this greatest of all Expos, was a neighbour and friend all across the West Island. He lived as one of us: our community was his second home.

Read the full article here:

Originally published: April 5, 2012. Last Updated: April 5, 2012.