Watch “Line Drives and Lipstick” from SABR Day 2014 in San Francisco

At SABR Day on January 25, 2014, in San Francisco, five authors describe the 250-year history of women in baseball, as part of the opening day for Linedrives and Lipstick at the Main Library.

David Block shared the earliest references to the game in England, Dorothy Mills described the first American college girls that played, Leslie Heaphy showed historical photos of the Negro Leagues, sports writer Jean Ardell covered the last few decades of acceptance, and Monica Nucciarone described what it’s like for women who want to write about baseball.

This event was organized with the assistance of the Lefty O’Doul Chapter of SABR, the Society for American Baseball Research.

Watch the video here:

Learn more about SABR Day at

Originally published: March 6, 2014. Last Updated: March 6, 2014.