Gonzalez: Nashville gets a museum to Negro Leagues, created by second-graders

From Tony Gonzalez at Nashville Public Radio on November 25, 2015:

A new collection of Negro League baseball artifacts has come together in Nashville. And it can only be seen at Robert Churchwell Museum Magnet Elementary. That’s where second and fourth graders run one of just two museums located within the walls of a Metro school.

When visitors arrived for the opening on a recent morning, they shuffled along the glass display cases that hold autographed baseballs, vintage posters, and black-and-white photos.

“Welcome to our exhibit, ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame: Negro League Baseball in Tennessee,’ ” begins second grader Jayla Fisher. She holds facts on a sheet of paper, but has it mostly memorized. “This case has a picture of Junior Gilliam. He left Negro League baseball to play for the Dodgers.”

Read the full article here: http://nashvillepublicradio.org/post/nashville-gets-museum-negro-leagues-created-second-graders#stream/0

Originally published: December 4, 2015. Last Updated: December 4, 2015.
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