Appel: Baseball books on the NYT bestseller list
From SABR member Marty Appel at The National Pastime Museum on October 13, 2016:
No baseball book hit the New York Times best sellers list in 2015, the first time that happened in 16 years.
I happen to know this because around that time, I set off on a research mission to record every baseball book that ever made the list. This was no easy task, as the lists are not included in the Times’s online archives—only on its microfilm. So it was an imposing research task, thankfully done with the cooperation of editors at the Times’s book review section.
A total of 75 books have made the list, the longest-running best sellers list in the country, and the one still considered the most prestigious by publishers. Twenty-four of the 75 (including books by Don Zimmer and Jim Abbott) would seem to have direct appeal to Yankee fans.
The 75th book, House of Nails by Lenny Dykstra, made the list in July 2016, ending a span of nearly two years in which no book made it.
Read the full article here:
Originally published: October 13, 2016. Last Updated: October 13, 2016.