LaRue: Scouting the MLB scouting directors
From SABR member John LaRue at The Hardball Times on November 1, 2016:
I recently discovered an incredible tool for collecting data from the history of the MLB amateur draft. It’s operated by The Baseball Gauge, and it includes tons of very specific data from each year of the draft (1965 to present). The data base breaks out drafted players who reach the majors by whether or not they signed with the drafting organization, their career contributions using bWAR, their contributions to the drafting organization using bWAR, and how their bWAR was amassed via offense, pitching, and defense. I combined these data to see how individual teams performed in the draft and, more importantly, combined the numbers with available scouting directors listed in the always handy Baseball America executive data base. I wanted to see how specific scouting directors had performed.
Read the full article here:
Read part 2 here:
Originally published: November 4, 2016. Last Updated: November 4, 2016.