Eric A. Simonsen

Eric A. Simonsen is a lifelong baseball fan who, with his wife, Suzanne, has lived in Utah for the past 13 years. He joined SABR the day after he read about its creation in The Sporting News. Eric quickly became SABR Treasurer, a position he held for several years until international demands on his financial career required him to resign. Eric has been a member for the past 50-plus years. Always an avid reader of SABR publications, Eric had never conducted any original baseball research until the search for authors for One Win Wonders was posted on the SABR website.


SABR BioProject biographies written by Eric A. Simonsen

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SABR Games Project stories written by Eric A. Simonsen

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SABR Journal Articles written by Eric A. Simonsen

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SABR Research Topics written by Eric A. Simonsen 

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SABR Research Articles written by Eric A. Simonsen 

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SABR Ballparks written by Eric A. Simonsen 

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