Jameson Cohen
/in /by Jacob PomrenkeJameson Cohen is a current First-Year at Harvard College and recently graduated from Trinity School in New York City. He has been fascinated with baseball and its history from a young age and recently undertook a project for his American History class on the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. He has been a SABR member since 2020 and is excited to share his work with the baseball research community. He can be reached by email at jamesoncohen@college.harvard.edu by any SABR members who might wish to contact him about his research.
SABR BioProject biographies written by Jameson Cohen
SABR Games Project stories written by Jameson Cohen
SABR Journal Articles written by Jameson Cohen
SABR Research Topics written by Jameson Cohen
SABR Research Articles written by Jameson Cohen
SABR Ballparks written by Jameson Cohen