Joal Ryan

Joal Ryan has written for the New York Times (Motherlode), the Los Angeles Times, CBS News, CNET, Yahoo!, and more. She contributed to the SABR book The First Negro League Champion: The 1920 Chicago American Giants. A Southern California native, she was 9 when her uncle Mike took her to her first game at Dodger Stadium. She’s been a not-infrequent visitor ever since, and was on hand for the José Lima shutout game she writes about for this collection.


SABR BioProject biographies written by Joal Ryan

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SABR Games Project stories written by Joal Ryan

SABR Journal Articles written by Joal Ryan

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SABR Research Topics written by Joal Ryan 

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SABR Research Articles written by Joal Ryan 

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SABR Ballparks written by Joal Ryan 

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