Yoichi Nagata
/in /by Jacob PomrenkeYoichi Nagata, a SABR member for more than 40 years, is the author of books on Japanese-American outfielder Jimmy Horio, the Tokyo Giants’ 1935 tour of North America, baseball at World War II internment camps, and others. He is still working on a history of baseball in Hawaii. When he worked at a sushi restaurant in Philadelphia in the early 1980s, Steve Carlton was a regular customer. Since then, he has been a fan of Lefty and the Phillies. He is also a fan of the now defunct Nishitetsu Lions of Fukuoka, Japan, the team he grew up with.
SABR BioProject biographies written by Yoichi Nagata
SABR Games Project stories written by Yoichi Nagata
SABR Journal Articles written by Yoichi Nagata
SABR Research Topics written by Yoichi Nagata
SABR Research Articles written by Yoichi Nagata
SABR Ballparks written by Yoichi Nagata