Paul Casanova

Paulino Casanova — known to English speakers simply as Paul…

Joe Cascarella

Joe Cascarella was the son of a fruit merchant and grocer who…

George Case

George Case was a four-time major-league All-Star who devoted…

Dan Casey

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright,…

Hugh Casey

On Monday evening, September 22, 1947, the “sizzling steaks…
Mickey Casey (Courtesy of Gary Ashwill)

Mickey Casey

Mickey Casey was a stout, 5-foot-7½-inch, 200-pound journeyman…
Sean Casey (MLB NETWORK)

Sean Casey

Nicknamed “The Mayor” because of his enthusiasm for meeting…

Dave Cash

An integral player on the 1971 World Series Championship team…
Norm Cash (Trading Card Database)

Norm Cash

Norm Cash would have loved it. The story drew upon metaphors…

Frank Cashen

Frank Cashen was one of the most successful front-office executives…