Joe Cronin

Star player, manager, general manager, league president—only…

Jack Crooks

Jack Crooks, born on November 9, 1865, in St. Paul, Minnesota,…

George Crosby

Injuries forced Chicago White Stockings player-manager Cap Anson…

Ken Crosby

Ken Crosby’s workday on a fine Southern California spring afternoon…

Frankie Crosetti

In 37 seasons as an infielder and third-base coach for the Yankees,…

Powel Crosley Jr.

Apparently young Powel Crosley Jr. had little interest in America’s…

Lew Cross

The appellation applied by baseball to turn-of-the-century right-hander…

Lave Cross

A nimble catcher before becoming one of the finest defensive…

Monte Cross

Native Philadelphian Monte Cross played short for the Phillies…