Dick Schofield

Dick Schofield spent 19 years in the big leagues working for…

Otto Schomberg

Otto Schomberg was a hitting wonder in his one full year in the…
John Schorling (center in suit and bow tie) was Rube Foster's business partner and the American Giants' home field, Schorling Park, bore his name for several years (Photo: Chicago Defender, September 21, 1986)

John Schorling

John Schorling (center in suit and bow tie) was Rube Foster's…

Gene Schott

A local teenage pitching prodigy, Gene Schott signed with his…

Marge Schott

Marge Schott was the first woman to own and operate a major league…

Paul Schramka

High atop the left-field foul pole in Wrigley Field waves a…

Osee Schrecongost

If ever there were a battery that was bound together in life…

Ted Schreiber

Infielder Ted Schreiber was #10 in the long list of New York…