Bonnie Serrell

During World War II, the Kansas City Monarchs had two middle…

Scott Service

Pitcher Scott Service had a long and workmanlike professional…
Walter Sessi (TRADING CARD DB)

Walter Sessi

“That’s the hardest hit ball I ever saw.” – Terry Moore1 The…

Merle Settlemire

The 1928 Red Sox, very anxious to work their way out of the American…

John Sevcik

John Joseph Sevcik may have only 12 major-league games on his…

Hank Severeid

Hank Severeid caught for four major-league teams between 1911…
Atahualpa Severino

Atahualpa Severino

Baseball and history are uncanny bedfellows in language, traditions,…
Al Severinsen (TRADING CARD DB)

Al Severinsen

A 6-foot-3, 220-pound right-hander with a prominent chaw of tobacco…

Frank Seward

In two seasons, 1944 and 1945, Frank Martin Seward pitched,…

Luke Sewell

The 1933 season was in only its third week when the Washington…

Joe Sewell

Opportunity from horrifying tragedy: That was what the death…