Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter meeting recap – 4/25/2016

Sixteen members and guests of the Bob Broeg St. Louis Chapter gathered at The Original Crusoe’s Restaurant in South St. Louis on Monday, April 25, 2016.

Chapter president Brian Flaspohler called the meeting to order and again reminded everyone of the Chapter Research Conference that will take place in August. He encouraged those with research presentations to let him know as soon as possible. So far no one has reserved a berth for the conference. As an incentive he mentioned that the first to submit a presentation will be able to choose their place on the agenda.

Flaspohler also announced the beginning of less formal, alternate meetings for the chapter, where there will be no agenda, just general baseball discussions. The first meeting will be Thursday, May 5 at the Trainwreck Saloon in Westport (314 Westport Plaza).

Items noted in “Today in Baseball History” were the Chicago White Stockings making their 1876 National League debut with a 4-0 victory over the Louisville Grays, the 1933 brawl between the Yankees and Athletics that began when Yankee outfielder Ben Chapman spiked Buddy Meyer, eventually included some anti-Semitic remarks and also involved over 300 fans, the 1958 contest between the Dodgers and the Cardinals at the L.A. Coliseum before 60,635 fans, setting a record for a National League regular season night game, and the 1976 game at Dodger Stadium when Rick Monday rescued an United States flag when two trespassers attempted to burn it in the outfield.

Bob Tiemann brought some copies of his latest book, Immortal Moments in Cardinal History, which, as the title infers, covers many well-known historic events as well as several obscure moments in St. Louis baseball lore. It’s another must have addition to the libraries of Cardinals fans.

John Schoon gave book reports on The Dad Report: Fathers, Sons, and Baseball Families by Kevin Cook, and also How Baseball Explains America by Hal Bodley. Kris Lokemoen gave a book report on The Arm: Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery of the Most Valuable Commodity in Sports by Jeff Passan.

General discussion topics included Jeremy Hazelbaker and Aledmys Diaz, early season surprises for the Cardinals, the shaky infield defense, and the slow start for Adam Wainwright, and of course the Mighty Cubs.

Bob Tiemann’s trivia topic was “1996 – Under New Mangement”. Mark Stangl was the winner and received a copy of Mr. Tiemann’s new book as a prize.

Next month’s regular meeting will be Tuesday, May 24.

— Jim Leefers, Secretary

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