Boston Chapter meeting recap – 4/28/2018

On Saturday, April 28, 2018, the SABR Boston Chapter joined with Lasell College of Newton, Massachusetts, for a meeting of the minds. A very successful meeting, four Lasell students presented their work and the chapter contributed three speakers to the meeting agenda.

All the Lasell students’ presentations were excellent:

  • Bryce Furtado: “The Value of Today’s Power Hitter”
  • Lane Sulzer: “The Art of Effectively Managing a Major League Baseball Team”
  • Kyle Shroeder: “Analyzing the Relationship Between Young People and the MLB”
  • Tim Major: “Tendencies of Major League Baseball Players’ Success”

Each speaker was able to easily hold their own against the barrage of questions pitched at them from the many SABR members in attendance.

Among the chapter members who offered their expertise was Bill Nowlin, who gave the keynote address. A timely moment for Bill, as his book on Tom Yawkey was recently published, and the City of Boston had just one day before the meeting announced that Yawkey Way would be renamed.

Donna Cohen reminded the mainly male audience, lest they forget, that women have also played an important role in the history of baseball.

Saul Wisnia described his impassioned effort to get Luis Tiant in the Hall of Fame, and how the battle goes on. Saul also described the challenge of baseball research can take one in many interesting pathways to greater knowledge and rewards.

The Boston Chapter is committed to sharing the knowledge we have gathered with other groups, especially those of the academic community. We will continue to work with educational groups that have an interest in furthering baseball history and research.

— Joanne Hulbert

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