Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter meeting recap – 11/6/2024

Rachel Wallace speaks at the SABR Buck O'Neil/North Florida Chapter meeting on November 6, 2024.The North Florida/Buck O’Neil Chapter met for its monthly meeting on November 6, 2024, at 6 p.m. at Madison Social in Tallahassee, Florida. Attendees were:

  • Matt Hudson, President
  • Jim Turner
  • Jim Wolf
  • Fred Dunphy
  • Chuck Rosciam
  • Brent Kallestad
  • Renee Watters
  • John Nogowski
  • Bruce Grant
  • Brian Logan

President Hudson called the meeting to order. There were not any guests/introductions. Chuck shared a Veterans’ Day slide honoring most decorated military service members.

The winner of the annual predictions contest was Glenn Robertson.

President Hudson introduced the featured speaker Rachel Wallace, Minor League Player Development.

Rachel shared her background and discussed the program she handles for education of international players. The company she works for partners with five MLB teams; she shared a map of the academies in the Dominican Republic and the MLB teams associated with the academies. Some of the skills players acquire in the academies are digital literacy and English for baseball, and they receive specialized education plans. Rachel also shared how they successfully graduated from the academies.

Chuck discussed the Baseball Writers Association Hall of Fame and explained the process for member votes, and that our Chapter results will be available in January.

There ensued a brief but lively Trivia Contest led by President Hudson.

Remember the Chapter will hold a Toy Drive so bring unwrapped gifts to the December 4 meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.

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