Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter meeting recap – 9/11/2024

Members and guests of the Buck O’Neil/North Florida Chapter gathered on September 11, 2024, at Madison Social in Tallahassee, Florida, for their monthly meeting. In attendance were:

  • Matt Hudson, President
  • Brent Kallestad, Co-Communications Director
  • Renee Watters, Co-Communications Director
  • Rick Swaine, Treasurer
  • Chuck Rosciam
  • Frank Alarcon
  • Franklin Billingslea
  • Fred Dunphy
  • Glenn Robertson
  • Jacob Lintner
  • Jim Turner
  • Jim Wolfe
  • John Nogowski
  • Kathy Wiegand
  • Tom Richardson

President Hudson opened the meeting at 6:12 p.m. with a moment of silence for those impacted by the events of 9/11.

There was a brief round-robin discussion with each member sharing their name and favorite team.

SABR 52 was the next topic of discussion with those members who attended providing highlights of their favorite aspects of the convention; for example, many mentioned the larger sessions that featured panels such as the hitters panel and the pitchers panel. It was also noted that the commitment by the Twins organization, including the keynote address from Derek Falvey, the President of Baseball Operations, showed the team’s commitment to the convention.

Chuck discussed where things stand with the Chapter’s predictions contest at this stage of the season with Brent and Jim Turner tied for first place.

Matt shared a handout with meeting dates and possible speakers for upcoming meetings.

Fred made a presentation of baseball memorabilia from his personal collection that were passed around.

Matt kept members on their toes with a mini-trivia contest.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. but not before Matt shared that Lonni Alameda invited members to batting practice and another visit to JoAnne Graff Field, 1119 Spirit Way, on October 2 for our October meeting, beginning at 4:45 p.m. Additional details to follow.

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