Bud Metheny/Virginia Eastern Shore Chapter meeting recap – 5/11/2019

The Bud Metheny/Virginia Eastern Shore Chapter held our inaugural meeting on May 11, 2019, at the Mary D. Pretlow Public Library in Norfolk, Virginia.

Frank Holman did a superb job of summarizing the life and accomplishments of Bud Metheny.  He debunked the myth that Bud was the last player to wear #3 for the New York Yankees. Bud was the last FULL TIME player to wear the number. There were additional players who wore the number but they were either “up for a cup of coffee”, or played in very few games for the Yankees.

Paul Boren followed up with a very thorough presentation on the significance of the 1920 season.

The group decided that our regular meetings will rotate locations between Norfolk, Richmond and Williamsburg. We also discussed starting a “book club”. The book would be recommended by the Chapter members. We would set aside a portion of our meeting to discuss the book and hear from the author (if possible). If you have any book ideas send them to me and I will consolidate the ideas and we will decide at our next meeting.

Our next meeting will be in Richmond on Sunday, July 7, at the Richmond Times-Dispatch building, 300 East Franklin St., Richmond, VA. 23219. The plan is to meet from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and then head to the Richmond Flying Squirrels game.

If you have a topic you’d like to discuss or a presentation you’d like to give let me know. Don’t forget to send baseball book ideas too. Looking forward to see everyone in Richmond next month!

— Andrew Noe

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