Detroit Chapter meeting recap – 5/3/2020

The SABR Detroit Chapter held a virtual book club meeting on May 3, 2020, to discuss SABR’s Calling the Game: Baseball Broadcasting from 1920 to the Present by Stuart Shea (2015). Special thanks to Stu Shea and Gary Gillette for their efforts, which made this event especially delightful. 

We had twenty-one participants for our 2nd Book Club meeting. They were: Stu Shea (author of Calling the Game), Gary Gillette (editor of Calling the Game, Detroit’s Omega Man), Tom Biblewski, Nathan Bierma, John Burbidge Jr., Al Davis, Gordon Fitzgerald (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1st-time book club), Jesse Goldberg-Strassler, Fred Grandchamp, Craig Greenham, Pete Hoyos, Francis Kinlaw, Steve Krah, Mike Lassman, Mitch Lutzke, Stan Okenka, Ryan Schroer (1st-time book club), Joe Shaw, Jim Stimac, Kirk Weber (1st-time book club), and Doug White (former SABR). 

Thank you all for your participation. 

What books would you like to read for the Book Club 3?  There are many fine baseball books that we could select.  Given the current shutdown, we have been looking at the SABR ebook library for our selections.  As the governors relax their emergency orders and bookstores reopen, it will be easier to broaden our search.  Please send me your ideas. 

— Peter Hoyos

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