East Tennessee Chapter meeting recap – 7/19/2014

The July 19, 2014, meeting of the East Tennessee Chapter of SABR was held at Pioneer Park, on the campus of Tusculum College in Greeneville, Tennessee.

It was attended by five SABR members and four guests. Author L.M. Sutter presented a very nice insight into baseball and mining towns, specifically those in the Appalachian region as well as the Southwest.

Marshall Adesman brought old baseball guides to give away. After the meeting we attended the game where we saw the Astros defeat the Danville Braves, 5-4.

The audio portion of the meeting was recorded, and can be found here: http://oldknoxvillebaseball.blogspot.com/p/audio.html

My thanks goes out to Hunter Reed, Assistant General Manager of the Greeneville Astros, who provided us with the meeting room and with tickets to the game.

The next chapter meeting will be on Saturday, November 8, in Knoxville.

— Mark Aubrey

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