Houston/Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 3/21/2016

Larry Dierker Chapter SABR meeting recap
March 21, 2016

Monday night saw a full house as every seat was filled to hear our chapter namesake Larry Dierker provide us with his insight on the current state of baseball. Originally scheduled for 30 minutes, Larry spent over an hour and a half discussing a broad range of subjects spanning his 50 years as a player, broadcaster, manager, and author while allowing plenty of time for Q&A. His analysis on the changes taking place in baseball was extremely thoughtful. You had to be there to appreciate Larry’s candor about the game he loves.

Next came a dramatic reading of two original poems, including cartoons by none other than our own Dr. Bill McCurdy. Entitled “Courtesy Runner” and “Crown The Umpire,” Bill’s efforts were graciously received and copies of each poem was made available to members.

Tony Cavender won the trivia contest prepared by Mike McCroskey. One of the questions was about which Astros pitcher had a record of 4-0 on Opening Day assignments. The answer was in the room.

Mike also brought a program from Opening Day 1963, the Houston Colts’ second season, as well as some unusual artwork he discovered while traveling in California.

Our next chapter meeting will be on Monday, April 25 at Constellation Field in Sugar Land where we will attend a Skeeters game. Money for tickets ($31) is due by April 1 and should to be sent to Ira Liebman with the checks made out to the Sugar Land Skeeters.

Since Opening Day is fast approaching, we need your projection on the number of games the Astros will win in 2016 by April 4. So far we have nine entries.

Bob Dorrill


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