Houston/Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 5/18/2015

Last night’s Larry Dierker Chapter meeting (May 18, 2015) turned out to be almost perfect, the only blemish being the loss by the Skeeters to the York Revolution 5-2.
Thanks to the outstanding efforts by Ira Liebman, Voice of the Sugar Land Skeeters and chapter member Marc Hudec, all 32 of us attending the game were treated like royalty. First, after a morning of rain the evening turned out to be most pleasant with cool winds blowing from the Gulf. Then our group was upgraded to a wonderful suite that included a host of exceptional seats right behind home plate. But, maybe the best, was the outstanding meal we received in the Insperity Club. Never have ribs, roasted corn and a variety of other entries tasted so good. And don’t forget the desserts. WOW!
Ira came by to make sure we were comfortable and during the 6th inning the team borrowed our own Larry Miggins for a live TV interview. Ira also did a wonderful job in leading all of us in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during the 7th inning ala Harry Caray. 
You had to be there for what may be the event of the year. More info can be found on Bill McCurdy’s blog today: https://bill37mccurdy.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/sabr-in-skeetersland-is-fun-evening-as-per-usual/
Our next meeting will be on the fourth Monday of June, the 22nd, at the Spaghetti Western starting at 7:00 PM.
— Bob Dorrill

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