Houston/Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 5/8/2017

On Monday, May 8, 2017, under cool breezes and ideal conditions, 30 SABR members and friends from the Larry Dierker Chapter enjoyed the hospitality of the Sugar Land Skeeters at Constellation Field. Thanks to Ira Liebman and Mark Hudec for making the arrangements.
The evening started in the Insperity Club with a fabulous prime rib dinner with all the fixings including their famous dessert tray. Broadcasters Ira Liebman and Brett Dolan stopped by to visit and share a few stories. Interestingly Brett gets to broadcast two games today; the Skeeters at 11:05 AM followed by the Astros pre- and post-game shows starting at 6:30 PM. A busy guy.
We then adjourned to the Insperity Box Seats directly behind home plate and enjoyed a 4-1 Skeeters victory over the New Britain Bees. Good baseball and good fun.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, June 19th at the Spaghetti Western Restaurant, with speakers Mike Acosta and Chris Chestnut and maybe a surprise or two.
Also please mark your calendars for Saturday August 19, when we will meet in the Board Room of Minute Maid Park at 4:00 PM prior to attending the Astros game that evening. More details to follow.
— Bob Dorrill

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