Houston/Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 8/27/2016

On Saturday afternoon, August 27, 2016, 80-plus SABR members and friends of the Larry Dierker Chapter had the opportunity to spend more than an hour with Reid Ryan, President of Baseball Operations for the Houston Astros.

Reid has a bright baseball mind and touched on a variety of topics before opening the floor to Q&A. No question was off limits but he did ask that we not pass on a few of his comments, they were just for us.

Following are some of the areas Reid discussed, most of them in great length including the Astros’ major-league roster player by player, promising minor-leaguers not already brought up to the big club, plans for Tal’s Hill in 2017 including a bar and grill named for Tal, why 13 players are excited about the removal of the hill (12 are not), rising ticket prices. available TV and radio coverage, how fans will be able to shag fly balls in the outfield with the team next year, his little league experience, the status of the Astros Hall of Fame Museum, plans to improve parking around the ballpark, $1.00 hot dogs and more. You had to be there.

The group then went into MMP and enjoyed an Astros victory together. Thanks to the folks from the Rogers Hornsby Chapter who came to be with us. Check out their new chapter website at http://www.sabrhornsby.org.

Our next meeting will be on Monday, September 19 at the Spaghetti Western starting at 7:00 PM. All baseball fans are welcome to attend.
— Bob Dorrill


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