Houston/Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 9/28/2015

Larry Dierker SABR Chapter Members:
Our latest meeting on Monday, September 28, 2015, provided our chapter with two superior presentations for the 19 people in attendance.
First, Greg Moore and Marsha Franty spoke passionately about their trip to Cooperstown and the Hall of Fame weekend, where Houston Astros fans significantly outnumbered every other group present. Through slides and commentary, both members relived the extraordinary weekend that culminated with the induction of Craig Biggio as a Hall of Famer.
Not to be outdone, Jim Kreuz then showed us a 60-minute baseball video of interviews of players from the 1930s and 1940s narrated by Bob Wolfe. The video has never been sold commericially and very few copies are in existence. It was outstanding.
Please mark your calendars for upcoming SABR events:
Monday, October 19th is our regular monthly meeting at the Spaghetti Warehouse. Tom White will provide trivia. We will also announce the winner of annual contest to predict the number of Astros wins in 2015. 
Saturday, October 24th: The Houston Babies will play in a Vintage Baseball Doubleheader at the George Ranch in conjunction with their Texan Market Days.
Saturday, January 9, 2016: The 4th annual all-day SABR seminar at Texas State University, hosted by the Rogers Hornsby SABR Chapter. 
See you all soon and root for the Astros.
— Bob Dorrill

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