Lajoie-Start Chapter meeting recap – 6/15/2013

We had about 50 SABR members and guests at the Lajoie-Start Southern New England Chapter meeting on Saturday, June 15, 2013 at McCoy Stadium.

It got off to a great start with Dr. Charles Steinberg, who is behind many of the Red Sox’ special events, speaking for an hour, then departing by limousine for the airport to get a flight to Baltimore. Dr. Steinberg is a polished speaker and he was witty and entertaining. He spent much of his time talking about the start of his career with the Baltimore Orioles, and the life lessons he learned.

Presentations were given by Ed Achorn, on his new book, “The Summer of Beer and Whiskey”; Kerry Keene, about his new book on Pete Rose’s effort to break Ty Cobb’s hits record; Mark Kanter, on the Levittown Little League, 1960; and Richard Fabbri, on real-time pitch classification. Ty Waterman, a member of SABR’s board of directors, discussed SABR’s new connection to the Rawlings Gold Glove Awards.

Duke Goldman was the winner of Father Gerry Beirne’s trivia contest (the topic was “Guys Named Joe.”)

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 30 (Thanksgiving weekend) at St. Philip’s Parish Center in Greenville, R.I. If you want to do a research presentation or have other suggestions for the program, feel free to let me know.  Hope to see you then.

— Len Levin

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