Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 12/14/2020

An enthusiastic group of SABR Larry Dierker Chapter members met on December 14, 2020, via Zoom.

President Bob Dorrill led off with a reminder that member Dick Bily had recently celebrated his 90th birthday and that Eddie Robinson (the topic of last month’s speaker) would be turning 100 the very next day.  He also announced that the Rogers Hornsby Chapter in Austin would be holding its annual meeting, now known as the Bill Gilbert Memorial Meeting, virtually on January 9, 2021. Former Astro Tony Kemp will be a featured speaker.

Joe Thompson reported that he is working on our website and putting more emphasis on our social media outreach. He proposed four survey questions, all Astros-related, for us to discuss later in the meeting. He and Mike Vance have been working on a new version of our logo; it is anticipated that it will be widely used.

Our guest presenter was Jerry Amernic, an expert on Babe Ruth and the author of Babe Ruth: A Superstar’s Legacy. His extensive research supported a thorough review of what the Babe meant during his lifetime and down to today.  He was the first true “superstar” who used his fame and humor in marketing himself far beyond the ballpark. His image and reputation survive around the world.  This was a very interesting presentation and expanded our awareness of Babe’s continuing influence. 

Maxwell Kates contributed a very enjoyable trivia quiz based on the SABR 44 Convention that was held here in Houston in 2014. Bob Dorrill, who had chaired that gathering, was proclaimed the winner.

As the meeting drew to a close, Bob asked participants to be thinking of ideas for January’s SABR Day. Our usual participation in Astrofest will of course be cancelled due to Covid. Our next meeting will be held virtually on January 18, 2021.

— Marsha Franty


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