Larry Dierker Chapter meeting recap – 12/14/2021

SABR’s Larry Dierker Chapter held its monthly meeting on the second Tuesday, December 14, 2021, rather than the third Monday, due to the holiday schedule.  We are continuing hybrid meetings to allow members to join in from wherever they may be.

President Bob Dorrill introduced Jack Bales as the evening’s first presenter. Jack is the author of No Shrinking Violet: Violet Popovich and the Chicago Cub Shot for Love. This book details the shooting of shortstop Bill Jurges by his former lover, a self-styled showgirl. Jack’s extensive research into this topic was largely based on primary sources and his presentation was both entertaining and informative. 

Bob continued the meeting with updates on Chapter leadership. In January, Joe Thompson will take over as President. Other officers include: First Vice President Herb Whalley, VP for Membership Chris Chestnut, VP for Special Projects Mike McCroskey, Newsletter Editor Tony Cavender, Assistant Editor Scott McKay, Secretary Marsha Franty, and President Emeritus Bob Dorrill. As our Chapter moves forward, we will emphasize growing our membership and initiating special projects while maintaining our monthly meetings and quarterly newsletter. Mike McCroskey reported on his efforts to develop a vintage baseball event to publicize our group.

Chris Chestnut offered his analysis of hitting in a presentation he called “One Only.” Members always enjoy the statistics and details Chris presents.

Greg Lucas offered a trivia quiz which resulted in a tie between Tony Cavender and John Lloyd. Tony will present the January quiz.

Bob announced that the featured speaker for the January meeting will be Robert Ford, the Astros radio broadcaster. Bill Brown will also be doing a signing for his latest book.

— Marsha Franty

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