Maddux Brothers-Las Vegas Chapter meeting recap – 5/14/2016

On Saturday, May 14, 2016, five members of the Maddux Brothers-Las Vegas SABR Chapter met in the office meeting room of Chris Kaempfer for their every-other-month general meeting.

Rick Swift opened the meeting with a short book report and discussion of Billy Martin: Baseball’s Flawed Genius, which won SABR’s Seymour Medal earlier this year. Chris Kaempfer passed around a game-used autographed baseball from Roger Clemens 20-K game for the Boston Red Sox in 1986. This led to a discussion of What was harder to do, strike out 20 in a 9-inning game (done five times in baseball history) or throw a perfect game (done 21 times in baseball history.)

Copies of Marisa Elliot’s Best Practices Manual for Local Chapters was passed out and and discussed. All agreed it would be of great help and that she had done a great job. The meeting was closed after a fun 3 hours.

— Rick Swift

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