Oklahoma Chapter meeting recap – 2/28/2016

SABR’s Oklahoma Chapter met Sunday, February 28, 2016, at Bricktown Brewery, 11909 E. 96th St. North, Owasso, OK.
A guest presentation, Playing between the Lines: An Examination of Negro League Baseball in Oklahoma, 1892 to 1965, was presented by W. Jacob “Jake” Cornwell. Mr. Cornwell has spent the last three years crisscrossing the state conducting interviews and research on the little-known history of black professional baseball in the state. 
The meeting was well attended and the presentation engendered many comments and questions from the audience. OK-SABR thanks Mr. Cornwell for an interesting, informative, and provocative talk. We further extend our thanks to SABR member Kevin Johnson for organizing and promoting the meeting.
OK-SABR will meet again late summer, most likely in the vicinity of Oklahoma City.
 — Howard Johnson
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