Oklahoma Chapter meeting recap – 5/17/2014

The new owner of the historic Chandler Baseball Camp, Mike Bay, hosted our SABR Oklahoma Chapter meeting on May 17, 2014 at the camp site in Chandler, Oklahoma.

Butch Schoenhals showed a short, well-produced film, narrated by Bobby Richardson, that was produced about the camp some years ago. Following the film, Fred Vint led the group on a walking tour of the grounds, showing the state of the on-going rehabilitation of the camp, providing some interesting tidbits about the camp’s history, and discussing the camp management’s plans for operations once the renovations are completed.

After the tour, Howard Johnson reviewed some work he is doing to incorporate base-running data into his offensive production model. Productive discussion followed.

The group tentatively agreed to next meet August 16, 2014 in Tulsa.

— Howard Johnson

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