Pee Wee Reese Chapter meeting recap – 7/12/2014

The Pee Wee Reese SABR Chapter had its annual outing at a Louisville Bats game on Saturday, July 12, 2014. The kind folks at Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory again allowed us the use of their prime Suite for the evening. Twenty-two (22) members and guests attended, and were treated to an exciting, come-from-behind 7-4 victory by the surging Bats over the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Bats starter and workhorse Chien-Ming Wang gave up four runs in six innings, but the Bats scored 4 in the 6th and 3 in the 8th to take the win.

Prior to the game, LSM&F Tour and Programming Director P.J. Shelley delighted the Cubs fans by giving a brief presentation on the “Homer in the Gloamin.” Dr. Jack Sullivan oversaw a brief 10-question written Trivia Contest, won by Brian Lepley and Robert Sawyer. Bats President/CEO Gary Ulmer also dropped by to visit and chat during the game.

A great spread of food was made available by the Chapter, and everyone left happy. Many thanks to our great partners at LSM&F, especially Anne Jewell and April Spalding.

— Harry J. Rothgerber

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