Pee Wee Reese Chapter meeting recap – 7/24/2016

Seventeen SABR Pee Wee Reese Chapter members and prospective members, braving the 95-degree hot and humid day, attended the Louisville Bats game on Sunday, July 24, 2016, as guests of the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory in their air-conditioned suite.

Although Amir Garrett, a top Reds pitching prospect, took the loss to the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs, 5-1, much camaraderie prevailed in the suite. In addition, the chapter provided a fine spread of snacks and desserts. The written trivia contest ended in a three-way tie, with Robert Sawyer winning the tie-breaker over Jon Borie and Rodger Payne, in that order. Robert’s prize was a one-year subscription to Baseball America.

Guests who showed up at the event included Gary Ulmer, President of the Bats; Greg Galliette, Senior Bats Vice President; and Dominic Latkovski, founder of the Zooperstars entertainment show which has performed for 200 sports teams around the world.

Much fun was had by all. Thanks again to the kind folks at LSM & F for donating their suite to our Chapter for the 7th year.

— Harry J. Rothgerber

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