Pee Wee Reese Chapter meeting recap – 8/15/2015

On Saturday, August 15, 2015, 22 members and guests of the Pee Wee Reese SABR Chapter met at Louisville Slugger Field to enjoy the game between the Louisville Bats and the Norfolk Tides. The gathering took place in the corporate suite of the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory, courtesy of Anne Jewell and her kind staff, always great SABR partners.

Much food, drink and camaraderie was enjoyed by all. Bill Marshall and his wife Jan were honored for coming the greatest distance — from Lexington. Dr. Jack Sullivan’s birthday was celebrated with a huge baseball-theme cake. As always, Jack did an outstanding job overseeing the 10-question written Trivia Contest, narrowly won by faithful SABR member Brian Lepley over SABRite Rodger Payne.

Bats President Gary Ulmer and Senior Vice-President Greg Galiette dropped by to say hello during the evening. In addition, everyone present received a Todd Frazier Bats bobblehead. In spite of the outcome of the game — the Bats were two-hitted in a 1-0 loss — it was a very successful SABR evening.

— Harry Rothgerber

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