Robinson-Kell Chapter meeting recap – 8/9/2014

The Robinson-Kell SABR Chapter met on August 9, 2014, at the Central Arkansas Library at 12:00 p.m. There were 11 members and guests in attendance.

The featured speaker was former college and minor league pitcher Mr. Kevin Sheredy. Kevin spoke of his playing days at the University of Arkansas and UCLA and his minor league career, which included a stop with the Arkansas Travelers in 2000 when he was 0-2 in 21 games.

Caleb Hardwick gave the first presentation, which was entitled “Quapaws and Arlingtons: Early Black Baseball in Arkansas”.

Dr. Bob Reising, who spoke about his book Chasing Moonlight at a Robinson-Kell meeting in August 2011, finished up the presentations, noting that the group was transitioning from “Moon to Moonlight”. He gave a brief follow-up on his work with various projects dealing with Moonlight Graham, including an upcoming documentary entitled The Real Moonlight Graham: A Life Well Lived.

Next was mathematics professor Fred Worth, who presented a series of statistical oddities that he had compiled. He also discussed his upcoming mathematics textbook book in which he uses baseball as the vehicle for the teaching various subjects and concepts. Finally, Fred showed the draft of a book that he is attempting to get published that deals with his long-time research project of visiting the graves of former major league players.

Attending his first Robinson-Kell meeting, Mark Randall jumped right in with a presentation entitled “We Want Eno! The Rookie Debut of Wally Moon,” which detailed the career and circumstances which led to Moon’s debut in place of Cardinal fan-favorite Enos Slaughter.   

Door prizes were given away, with Fred Worth and Mark Randall winning books and Charles Gattin taking home a baseball board game

Before dismissing, Mike Dugan quickly plugged Don Duren’s book on Arkansas native Lon Warneke and passed out what he called “The Very Unoffical Counter-Fred List” – a list of all current and former major league players LIVING in Arkansas.

For a full recap and photos, download the PDF report here.

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