Rocky Mountain Chapter 100th consecutive monthly luncheon recap – 3/18/2015

Fourteen members of the Rocky Mountain Chapter met Wednesday afternoon, March 18th, 2015 at Breckenridge Brewery next to Coors Field in downtown Denver. This was the chapter’s 100th consecutive monthly luncheon meeting!

Paul Parker gave a report on the status of the chapter Game of the Month (GOTM) schedule for 2015 and the newly updated chapter GOTM web page which includes the GOTM dates, teams, seating locations and prices. Paul also reported on the Rocky Mountain chapter updated 2015 calendar also located on the revised chapter website at

Topics of discussion included Oakland’s ambidextrous pitcher, and what existing rules might apply to his pitching and to hitting against him. Then everyone had an opportunity to predict how many wins the Rockies will record in 2015. Guesses (educated, biased or otherwise) ranged from Chip Atkison (88) to Nick Wilson (60).

Bill Achbach brought some terrific trivia questions.

— John Paul

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