Rogers Hornsby Chapter meeting recap – 8/23/2012

Fourteen members and guests of the Rogers Hornsby Chapter gathered on Thursday, August 23 at Iron Works BBQ in downtown Austin, Texas, for barbeque and baseball talk. The preliminary agenda for the Chapter’s 2013 Winter Meeting, the Nationals’ Stephen Strasburg dilemma, the current state of the major league divisional races and the 2012 wild card playoff format were among the topics discussed.

Bill Gilbert presented an entertaining quiz for which contestants were asked to name the all-time pitching wins leader for each current franchise. Jan Larson came out on top with 16 of 30.  While points could only be scored for naming each all-time leader, Bill also had a list of the top three for each franchise. Rob Radmer was deemed the unofficial (and unintentional) winner of naming the most runners-up.

The next monthly meeting will again be held at Iron Works on Thursday, September 20.

For more information on the Rogers Hornsby Chapter, visit

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