Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter meeting recap – 9/17/2022

The Sweet Lou Johnson Lexington Chapter of SABR met virtually on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Members shared a number of our baseball stories. There was no doubt that our favorite stories were about going to ball games with our fathers. There was also a discussion about our least favorite teams (also referred to as the teams we love to hate).

Cindy Baker shared that she is having the best time attending virtual SABR meetings around the country. She reports that last week, she attended a SABR Chicago chapter meeting and heard Mark Armour and Dan Levitt talk about their book “Intentional Balk: Baseball’s Thin Line Between Innovation and Cheating.”

Congratulations, Steve White! Steve won the Baseball Trivia Game. Members all contributed questions for this very challenging game.


**Chapter Meeting (Virtual)—1 pm Saturday October 15

–This meeting will be on Zoom. Email Cindy at lucinda.baker@kctcs.edu for the Zoom link.

Just a reminder: participation in our local meetings is absolutely FREE! All baseball fans are invited to attend! And bring a friend!

Please let us know if you’d like to present baseball research or baseball stories at a future meeting. We’ll put you on the schedule!

Batter up!

— Cindy Baker