Ted Williams Chapter meeting recap – 8/9/2014

From PadresTrail.com on August 12, 2014:

As was mentioned last week, last Saturday brought the semi-Annual San Diego Ted Williams Chapter of the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR) meeting. The SD Central Library hosted, and we had about our average turnout (25-30 people).

I got downtown about 0910, armed with a large cup of coffee, my notebook, and an amplifier. Toting an amplifier through downtown early on a Saturday morning actually helped me blend in. I was amazed at the large number of people already formed up outside the library. I assumed they were waiting to get in until it became clear they were just … waiting.

Several of us got there early to set up; however, Pete Meisner of the library was all over it, having arranged chairs for the attendees and set up a podium for a wireless mike. We brought up a table for check-ins and other items, and moved 3 plush chairs to the front for Jodi, Geoff, and I to use during the round table. That took all of about 5 min, which was great for it left a lot of time for some small talk with a bunch of folks one only sees twice a year.

For a complete recap and photos, click here: http://padrespublic.com/padres-trail/sabr-meeting-recap/

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