Join SABR’s Golden Lineup to help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary!
Members like you are helping us turn our shared vision into a reality. As 2020 draws to a close, I hope you will renew and, if your means allow, even increase your support for SABR’s mission.
You can join SABR’s Golden Lineup by making a gift of at least $100 by December 31, 2020. We will use your best gift of $100, $250, $500, or $1,000 to bring more young people into the beautiful world of baseball; to publish groundbreaking books and articles; and to promote research, preservation, and scholarship.
All donors joining the Golden Lineup with a $100 gift or more will receive a copy of From Rube to Robinson, our anthology of research celebrating the centennial anniversary of the Negro Leagues.
Donors supporting SABR with a gift of $500 or more will also receive a miniature Rawlings Gold Glove Award replica and be entered to win the SABR Golden Ticket.
The winner of the SABR Golden Ticket will receive:
- Lifetime membership to SABR
- All expenses paid to a SABR conference of their choice
- Attend the 2021 Rawlings Gold Glove Award Banquet in New York City
Pretty cool, right?
We will announce the winner of the SABR Golden Ticket during our SABR Day celebration on January 30, 2021, the first event of our Golden Anniversary Year.
Finally, SABR HQ will donate 10% of all member gifts back to the donors’ affiliated chapters as student memberships.
Baseball makes the world better! Thank you so much for believing that, and for joining us in this endeavor.
— Scott Bush