2007 Seymour Conference Recap – Sunday

On Sunday, conference registrants gathered near the Bob Feller statue outside Gate C of Jacobs Field to take part in the private access tour of Heritage Park, the home of the Indians Hall of Fame and other exhibits honoring the franchise’s rich history. After a short address by Bob DiBiaso, Indians vice president of public relations, conference attendees were encouraged to absorb historic tribute.

On Sunday, conference registrants gathered near the Bob Feller statue outside Gate C of Jacobs Field to take part in the private access tour of Heritage Park, the home of the Indians Hall of Fame and other exhibits honoring the franchise’s rich history. After a short address by Bob DiBiaso, Indians vice president of public relations, conference attendees were encouraged to absorb historic tribute.

Afterwords, conference-goers took their place in the bleacher seats in right field to cheer on a Tribe win against the Baltimore Orioles.

Originally published: May 3, 2007. Last Updated: May 3, 2007.
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