2007 Seymour Conference Recap

SABR members and baseball enthusiasts assembled in Cleveland for the Ninth Annual Seymour Medal Conference (April 27-29). Throughout the weekend they were treated to a unique collection of programming and research presentations all in celebration of the legacy of Dr. Harold Seymour and Dorothy Seymour Mills.

SABR members and baseball enthusiasts assembled in Cleveland for the Ninth Annual Seymour Medal Conference (April 27-29). Throughout the weekend they were treated to a unique collection of programming and research presentations all in celebration of the legacy of Dr. Harold Seymour and Dorothy Seymour Mills.

The fesitivities commenced on Friday with an author mixer at the Great Lakes Science Center, which included private access to the traveling Hall of Fame exhibit “Baseball As America.”

Saturday found registrants treated to a full day of provocative research presentations at the Baseball Heritage Museum culminating in a wonderful keynote speech by noted historian John Thorn and conferring of the Seymour medal to Peter Morris for his multi-volume work, Game of Inches. Merrie Fidler, a Seymour finalist for her book,The Origins and History of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, was also in attendence.

Sunday’s events started with a private access tour of Heritage Park at Jacobs Field, which included an address by Cleveland Indians Vice-President of Public Relations Bob DiBiasio and ended in the bleacher seats of the Tribe for an exciting game against Baltimore.

The Seymour Medal is named in honor of Dr. Harold Seymour and Dorothy Seymour Mills, the first historians to write baseball history. The Seymours have a Cleveland connection. Dr. Seymour taught at Fenn College (now Cleveland State University) in the 1940s and later was vice president of the Cleveland Better Business Bureau. Dorothy attended Fenn College before graduating from Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve (now Case Western Reserve University) in 1950. She then began teaching in the Cleveland School System while studying for her master

Originally published: May 2, 2007. Last Updated: May 2, 2007.
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