30 for 30 Podcasts: The Lights of Wrigleyville

From Dan Collison and Elizabeth Meister at ESPN’s 30 for 30 Podcasts on November 28, 2017, with mention of SABR member Stu Shea:

When the Tribune Company bought the Chicago Cubs in 1981, its executives saw nighttime baseball as a way to turn around the club’s fortunes. The only problem? Scores of Wrigleyville residents were ready to fight against it. 

Listen to the full podcast at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lights-of-wrigleyville/id1244784611?i=1000395357662&mt=2

Watch a video preview here: http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=21595664

Originally published: November 28, 2017. Last Updated: November 28, 2017.